Someone in a chat reminded me of my slambook.

I hadn't gone back to it in forever. I created it about 3 1/2 years ago.
My friends and I used to make slambooks in high school and pass them around. They were a lot of fun.
A slambook is a book (like a notebook) where you sign your name (nickname, whatever) in the front on a numbered line. Then throughout the book, there are questions and you put your answer on the line number you chose. It's really fun to answer the questions and see what everyone else wrote.
A while ago, I came across the site and loved it.

I created my own slambook online a couple years ago and often go back to answer random ones when I'm bored. It's a fun site.
I thought it might be fun if anyone who had a slambook through this site (or if you get one) could post links to theirs here and we could answer each others.

At least, I think it would be fun.

Here is the link to my slambook: ... kID=534449
Last edited by
Jasujo on Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.