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Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:47 pm
Uh, I've never run for student council before, and decided I wanted to run for Floor Rep (I live in a dorm) this year. O.o There's one other girl running, that I know of, and she's vastly more popular than I. So, I don't think I have much of a chance. But hey, this will be an Experience, at least. The campaign starts on Sunday, where I get to hang my posters and give my speech, and the voting is held on Monday.
Since I've never done this before, I wouldn't mind some help coming up with witty slogans and the like. I've got some ideas for posters, but I'm at a loss for funny/cheesy lines. o.O
So, help? :p Oh, my name is Vivian, if that helps. I sorta want my name to be involved with a funny line, so people will remember me.
Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:56 pm
Well I've never done anything like this before but couldn't you get a few friends from RL being your "PR team" and putting up posters for you and stuff so you don't have to take on the whole load single handedly?
Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:17 pm
When I ran for General Student's Council last week, I had written a song. Humourous songs always seem to clinch it.

(then again, the one person that beat me in votes was a popular guy

) Lucky for me there was more than one position for it, but with even more publicity you should be fine.
Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:15 pm
We finished the Student Council elections last year therefore I can tell you what the winning candidates did and what you shouldn't do.
Should do
As you said, you should hang up posters and use interesting/funny quotes from songs, movies etc... Don't put up a poster with the same quote as the opposing candidate. Making funny songs/raps also help when you're doing your speech, one candidate made up a rap which was hilarious and she won (I voted for her). It helps to amuse the crowd. However, she did make a speech before her rap which talked about school issues which you should do as well. Do not make empty promises. It will guarantee you losing respect and votes for next year's elections. Also, giving out candy and various small tidbits (Small balloons, stickers etc...) can sway voters as well.
Shouldn't do
Don't make a fake heart-warming speech as someone last year who was running did. He said his sister wanted to always see him as Student Council Grade 11 Rep and he never sees her so that's why he ran. Which is a definate lie. Don't carry a clipboard around and intimidate voters to vote for you saying, "WILL YOU VOTE FOR ME?" right in their face which is always an uncomfortable situtation for the voter (I had an experience like that). As mentioned above don't put up a poster with the same quote/saying as the opposing candidate. Don't promise things which you can't deliver like a water slide for the pool or McDonald's everyday for the school cafeteria menu. Make decent promises such as, "I will try to lower the cafeteria food prices. I will try to get more school dances. I will try to get us more fun days such as 'Hat Day' and 'Funky Hair Day',".
To go into the elections you need to have a positive attitude or you'll be eaten alive. If you put posters up with your picture on it, prepare for it to be vandilized and be covered with insults about you. You must be able to handle the stress of being a Floor Rep (In your case) and be able to listen to your fellow peers questions and concerns. If you cannot handle anyone hating you, annoying you, loving you immensely etc... do NOT run.
All in all...
All in all, if you follow some of these suggestions than you'll do fine in the election. Considering you're running for Floor Rep you would have to tweak the above suggestions.
Just remember one thing, be yourself.
Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:10 pm
Our school has already had our Student Council elections for this year ^_^
The team that won had made a pretty amusing movie (every team gets to make one to show to the school after their speech.) But it wasn't based entirely on the movie. The team's words sounded more mature and serious. And there were some jokes thrown in as well.
Don't base your speech on one good thing, even if it's really hilarious or whatever. You won't get the position >_< One the teams for Student Council at my school who didn't win just sang a song before showing their movie. So talk about everything you need to: previous Floor Reps, how you'll think you'll be good, etc. Sound polite and mature. Don't just yell out "So vote for meee!!!" at the end of your speech. It might seem fun to do that, but it actually sounds rather selfish and immature.
About witty slogans, I am totally at lost >_< But with posters, maybe you could get a close friend who's a good artist to draw stuff on them (comics, weird/funny pictures, etc.). I find that people enjoy looking at hand-drawn stuff as they walk around the corridors ^_^
Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:47 pm
One thing to not do: Dont' put up posters or make your MSN name something like: XXX now that i have your attention...
That's so annoying and it'll annoy many others as well. Just be yourself and try not to screw too many people over
Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:01 pm
3 Syllables, 1 Woman
Now if that isn't a killer motto, I don't know what is!
Sat Oct 02, 2004 2:34 pm
Oh! Thanks everybody for your advice!

I really hope I win.

*goes off to write her speech*
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