Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:49 pm
I'm leaving indefinately. Thats all I want to say, besides that I thank everyone here for this past year. So, with that said:
Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:01 am
Ohhhh, no.
I wish you good luck in everything you do.. you will be missed. God bless.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:09 am
Awwww. Too bad you have to leave. Oh well, bye-bye and have fun in real life.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:25 am
Awww goodbye, like Zero said, have fun in real life, and actually
HAVE a real life. I sure don't right now, but who cares? IM JELLIN!
Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:52 am
Aww... well goodbye, and everything else that everyone said. Be happy in your real life =).
Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:39 am
Goodbye (*Dranzer*). It is sad to see you go.
You will be sorely missed by everyone here.
Have fun in real life.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:43 pm
Aww, Dranzer. You've came and left so many times and now you're leaving again? Anyhow, it has been a pleasure role-playing with you. At any rate, I hope you do return, someday.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:48 pm
Even though I don't know you, can I come with? I don't feel like I'm wanted here anymore, so I'm going to follow, if you don't mind.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:01 pm
TiggersHB wrote:Even though I don't know you, can I come with? I don't feel like I'm wanted here anymore, so I'm going to follow, if you don't mind.

Heeey, you're wanted. I like you.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:22 pm
TiggersHB wrote:Even though I don't know you, can I come with? I don't feel like I'm wanted here anymore, so I'm going to follow, if you don't mind.

Don't feel unwanted! That's not true at all.
Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:29 pm
Yeah! Don't feel unwanted! We wuv yooooouuuu! And that goes for all of you!!! Don't you EVER leave because you feel unwanted, because if you try, I'll tape you to the floor with six rolls of duct tape and hug you until you melt!
Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:57 pm
Sorry to see you go, not sure why, but, have a good life.
Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:28 am
Zero wrote:Yeah! Don't feel unwanted! We wuv yooooouuuu! And that goes for all of you!!! Don't you EVER leave because you feel unwanted, because if you try, I'll tape you to the floor with six rolls of duct tape and hug you until you melt!
I'm sure that's another reason why people leave.
Go ahead. Have a life. Try to come back sometime.
Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:58 pm
No! You look like such a cool person!
But, I'm not in charge of you. Have fun in real life.
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