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Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:39 pm
Ok,we've noticed that one of the cats are wetting the floor. We suspect it's Carbon Copy our oldest one because she's well,old. We've put another litter box out there incase Callie is keeping her out. But they're still wetting the floor. I know she may be becoming incontenint(sp?) You know,when they can't control themself.
Anyway what should we do?
Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:43 pm
Take her to the vet, they should be able to figure out what's wrong.
As a sillier solution, I've heard of strange, diaper-like things you can make your cats wear. I doubt the cats would like them though.
Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:49 pm
First step should be the vet. Chances are that she's suffering from a urinary tract infection, as those are common in older cats, as well as generally a reason why an animal (or a person, for that matter) has a hard time with bladder control.
It could be worse than a UTI, but that's generally the first guess. Have you noticed any blood in the urine? Has Carbon Copy had any problems urinating? Pain? Discomfort?
Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:06 pm
Your best bet would be the vet. If its a UTI, be ready for a long and horrible prossess. They can just keep coming back, and can cost a lot of money to fix.
Of course, there's always the possibility your cat is being lazy.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:05 am
Well,we haven't taken her to the vet and It has been going on for a while.
No,we haven't seen any blood.
If there is any pain or discomfort,we haven't noticed. She just sits ontop of the kitty condo looking pretty when I go out to feed them,or she's sitting by the water bowl if they need water.
Oh,another thing,she does seem to drink alot of water sometimes.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:21 am
You also need something that will destroy the ammonia smell. I think vinager will do it. Cats often will pee in the same spot simply because they have peed there before and can smell the smell. So they start smelling the same smell and after a while they just naturally think that is the place to go. So you need something to get the smell out. Even if you can't smell it, the cat can. And sometimes I think cats can kind of compete with each other. One cat goes to pee and another smells it and then they want to pee there too. It's kind of like "Well..she peed there so I guess I will go pee too.."
Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:50 am
Maybe because it's drank too much water and has to go alot?
I'm not an animal expert, but drinking alot of water is a sign of diabetes.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:41 pm
I think it might be a UTI, my cat Lucky had a slight warning sign and it's similar to what you're mentioning. Trust me, the vet is in order. My first cat Nuppy died from UTI.
In the meantime, get the "seniors" cat food and see if something's ticking the cat off. Sometimes they do that in protest.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:53 pm
Actually, my cat did the same. He used to pee on our beds. chairs and sofas, the cat is trying to mak it's teritory.

That's all.
EDIT: What does UTI mean?
Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:16 pm
Pokemon Kid wrote:Actually, my cat did the same. He used to pee on our beds. chairs and sofas, the cat is trying to mak it's teritory.

That's all.
EDIT: What does UTI mean?
UTI is Urinary Track Infection.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:21 pm
Callie wrote:Well,we haven't taken her to the vet and It has been going on for a while.
No,we haven't seen any blood.
If there is any pain or discomfort,we haven't noticed. She just sits ontop of the kitty condo looking pretty when I go out to feed them,or she's sitting by the water bowl if they need water.
Oh,another thing,she does seem to drink alot of water sometimes.
If she's drinking a lot of water, take her to the vet as soon as possible - that can also be a sign of kidney failure. If detected early, it's much easier to cope with.
Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:00 pm
I've told my mom that cats can get UTIs,she said she's heard that too
She hasnt taken her to the vet because she said our own medical bills are enough and animal ones are just as much
I've thought about the senior cat food,but Callie is only *counts on fingers*5 years old.That's not a senior is it?I'm about to start giving them the Indoor Formula cat food again.
I didn't know that they could have diabetes
Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:31 pm
Callie wrote:I've told my mom that cats can get UTIs,she said she's heard that too
She hasnt taken her to the vet because she said our own medical bills are enough and animal ones are just as much
I've thought about the senior cat food,but Callie is only *counts on fingers*5 years old.That's not a senior is it?I'm about to start giving them the Indoor Formula cat food again.
I didn't know that they could have diabetes
Lots of different animals can get diabetes, trust me. My old dog had it until i put him to sleep.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:13 am
Yep.. my mom's friend's cat has diabetes. 5... hm. Well Lucky's only seven... Anyhoo, if you see crystals in the ickyness you have to clean, do get him to the vet.
Also, if you're cat's not neutered, that's a very simple explanation. Unnuetered cats mark their territory a lot.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:48 am
Pokemon Kid wrote:Actually, my cat did the same. He used to pee on our beds. chairs and sofas, the cat is trying to mak it's teritory.

That's all.
My cats do a lot. I have 5 cats and a dog, and the oldest cat feels that she's the absolute queen of the world and we should all bow down to her. ⌐⌐
Also, if you're cat's not neutered, that's a very simple explanation. Unnuetered cats mark their territory a lot.
All my pets are spayed/neutered. So far I've only noticed the females marking their territory. At one point it was so bad we had to put up cardboard on several parts of the floor so the cats wouldn't mess up our hardwood floors!
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