Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:20 pm
OK, the student council that I'm on is doing a community service project, and I'm heading it. What we're doing is we are adopting a family that the faculty advisor knows, because this family (a single mother with three kids) is literally going to have only hand-me-downs for Christmas.
We're going to talk to companies about donations, and go shopping for gifts and stuff, and donate gently used toys and stuff.
Do y'all have any ideas of things that we could do, or know anyone that we could talk to who would help with this? (i.e. Owner of Target, etc.)
I would really appreciate it if y'all could help, even if its just putting us in your prayers (if you do that sort of thing, I DON'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE!!!)
Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:29 pm
Dollar Tree.
Everything is a dollar or less,and they have some really nice stuff sometimes. Thats where a friend and I went to get most of our stuff for operation shoe box.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:51 pm
Callie wrote:Dollar Tree.
Everything is a dollar or less,and they have some really nice stuff sometimes. Thats where a friend and I went to get most of our stuff for operation shoe box.
Might as well buy nothing at all. Any dollar type store sells cheap items which break easily. I wouldn't rely on it. It seems the mother might need to rely on it for a while therefore I wouldn't suggest it.
I would book oppointments (If possible) with Wal-Mart, or Chapters, any local grocery stores, basically any big name company to help you. They'll help you and if they can't, perhaps ask around for donations. Ask your school to donate money and provide a prize for the class which donates the most money by the end of the month. It will surely get people involved. You can also go around your neighbourhood door to door and ask for donations.
I hope this helped.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:56 pm
Ammer wrote:Callie wrote:Dollar Tree.
Everything is a dollar or less,and they have some really nice stuff sometimes. Thats where a friend and I went to get most of our stuff for operation shoe box.
Might as well buy nothing at all. Any dollar type store sells cheap items which break easily. I wouldn't rely on it. It seems the mother might need to rely on it for a while therefore I wouldn't suggest it.
Untrue. When I got my first apartment it was almost completely ran by Dollar General. Nothing broke, everything was pretty good quality, and I was extremely happy with my selections.

Just depends on what dollar store you go to. Family Dollar and Dollar General has never been a problem for me!
Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:03 pm
meowth1982 wrote:Ammer wrote:Callie wrote:Dollar Tree.
Everything is a dollar or less,and they have some really nice stuff sometimes. Thats where a friend and I went to get most of our stuff for operation shoe box.
Might as well buy nothing at all. Any dollar type store sells cheap items which break easily. I wouldn't rely on it. It seems the mother might need to rely on it for a while therefore I wouldn't suggest it.
Untrue. When I got my first apartment it was almost completely ran by Dollar General. Nothing broke, everything was pretty good quality, and I was extremely happy with my selections.

Just depends on what dollar store you go to. Family Dollar and Dollar General has never been a problem for me!
Oh, I see. If that's the case than buy items from the dollar store. Just make sure they're dependable. The dollar stores around here stink.
Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:12 pm
For the mom get her clothes from Kohls or JCPennys. A place like that. And for the kids go to Toys R' Us. It also depends on how much money you will be spending.
Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:46 am
Check out eBay. They have a lot of cheap things on there, sometimes under a dollar, that are great.
I'll pray for you guys. Good luck and God bless you for your kindess.
Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:04 am
What we do here is have each class sponsor a family and we bring in a certain amount of cash each and food for a christmas dinner, same goodness all around.
Ammer had a good point--Places like Wal-Mart which have low prices and good value are always looking for the latest publicity pop, terrible to think that they would only help because it looks good on them, but welcome to the corperate world anyways. =)
Although, I don't think I would go to any franchises to find a nice deal, independant entreprenurial stores are usually a tad more welcoming to charitability than those big cuddly faceless corperations.
Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:01 am
Find a city that is near you, if there is one. craigslist is website where people advertise any items they want to sell. You can get pretty good deals there I've heard. My sister gets a lot of her stuff for her apartment there, and says it's the only way to go.
I'm not sure exactly what you need, but you might be able to find a few things on there for good deals. You can always raise money somehow to help pay for things.
Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:44 am
I have 2 children and money is always tight around this time of year so I usually buy lots of books (from discount stores for around £1 each) Crayons and colouring books or notepads (kids love to colour and draw and theyre really cheap to get hold of) Jigsaw puzzles can be picked up cheaply from pound shops or discount stores. Buy them some sweets or chocolates because if money is really tight at home they probably wont get many.
Get in touch with your local newspaper as they quite often will follow a story like this and donate some stuff too, also shops and businesses are more likely to donate if they think they might get some free advertising too! Ask your local supermarkets if they would donate a hamper or vouchers or something, ask all the major stores near you and try your local small businesses too.
And dont forget the mum too! Buy her some bubble bath or something because if money is really bad then she probably rarely buys anything for herself.
Also, why not write to neopets and ask them if they would donate a plushie or something!:)
Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:32 am
thanks guys!!! I really appreciate it!!!

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