Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:59 am
I'll tell you the story...
I've had a friend for a while from an old forum, since about June of 2003, who always stood by me, and never blew up when I was being difficult...I realized one night in june this past summer that I cared about her. More than I should've. I said something offhandedly during one of our conversations that I thought aggravated her. I felt bad because I had always been hot tempered, but that night I had started an argument with her over nothing. I felt awful. Worse than i had in a long time. I tried to apologize, but you see, I had always been a bit of a jerk until then, it was just how I was, outspoken and cynical. It wasn't like me to say sorry, and when I did, She didn't seem to want to hear it....she told me it didn't matter. That was that.
She then left for about a month on vacation in Europe, and during that time my feelings came into full bloom. When she came around again, we were still pals, but I apologized for everything i said around her, and she didnt understand why. I knew during that whole time I was trying to say how sorry I was for caring about her. I finally told her in the weeks following exactly what I felt for her. She just said it didn't matter to her, but it did to me. I felt horrible, I cared about her too much, I knew that, and I felt like it was wrong to care for her like that. As a result of my actions, she soon dropped off the net during September and hasnt come back since.
I feel lost right now, I don't what to do...I don't even know why I'm telling any of you this.
I just wish she was still around.
Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:27 am
How do you know that she dropped off the net? Could it be because she blocked you from seeing and contacting her on her messenger service?
Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:40 pm
I've been where you are now.

Having feelings for someone you've met online, and can't really meet otherwise, will hardly ever result in a happy relationship.
I met someone a little over 3 years ago, who suddenly never came back online somewhere in April this year. Just when I was getting over it I heard she had died.
Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:46 pm
It's actually not a really good idea to be good friends with someone on the Internet. You go so deep into wishing you knew them in RL, it just hurts you...
Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:47 pm
Actually that only applies to some people. Being "good friends" with someone isn't always an issue. Even having a relationship on the terms of being "significant others" is not always hard for people. It just takes the ability to look past physical or "RL" limits and being able to focus on a purely emotional aspect.
Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:08 pm
Qanda wrote:How do you know that she dropped off the net? Could it be because she blocked you from seeing and contacting her on her messenger service?
She's stopped coming to the forums, and stopped talking to anyone she knew from there at the time. Unless she's gone through the trouble of banning everyone from that group of friends, she's gone for now.
Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:50 pm
I was in a situation exactly like that. Except I obviously was the girl. Don't know what to tell you but to forget about it. If she's serious about it, she probably won't talk to you again.(I think she's not to fond about some guy having "feelings" about her over the internet) Sorry.