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Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:03 am
My Woodwoorking 9 teacher Mr. Misiak somehow only gave me a C- on my report card but I have 90.0%. I know because I saw my mark. It is his fault for marking some of my things wrong and I am not the only one. Like ten people where complaining. Some of them got an F when they deserved an A. Three things caused this mark and they where all his fault. First of all there was this project I did that he checked off on a sheet but never gave me a mark for. Secondly there was a test that a lot of people aced but he put the wrong total on a sheet and so it looked like everyone failed. Also there was this report i handed in the day he told me it was assigned cause I was away the first day it was. So because of this I lost my Honour Roll standing.
Fri Nov 26, 2004 5:50 am
Why hasn't anyone spoken to him about these problems? If he's just forgetful, I don't see why he wouldn't correct his mistakes.
Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:16 am
Talk to your adminstrator or dean, and have them come talk to him about the problems. I'm sure they would take interest in a class in which most, if not all, students are failing or barely passing. They like to keep their grade point averages up.
I've had difficult teachers like that before (cough, World Geography Teacher), but once I came and talked to my dean and him about it, things got sorted out. After I got yelled at for getting an 82 three times in a six weeks, when it was his fault that he sent in the same grade I got the first six weeks twice.
Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:18 pm
Sounds like my dufus modern world history teacher. We have these notebooks that we use for almost everything. Well, a few weeks ago we had to write a 5 paragragh essay on the Enlightment thinkers. I did it all on time and such and you were supposed to put it in the notebook, which I had already turned in for something. I try to get it back, and he threatens me with a detention. *draws picture of teacher and throw darts at him* It costed me 20 points... *chews on pisture*
Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:48 pm
You need to talk to him, and if that doesn't get you anywhere you need to talk to your principal. If you're not happy with your grade and you know you deserve a higher one, don't just accept it! Trust me, if you start learning how to talk to your teachers now, it will help you SO much when you get to college.
Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:05 pm
SPEAK UP!!! Don't let this happen when he is making mistakes. I'd also talk to a administrator because he shouldn't be teaching if all of this is true.
Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:36 am
Try asking your teacher why he's not giving you high marks.
If you find that you deserve more higher marks, you can try to approach the HEAD or something. Ask the HEAD to help you to see your work.
Another possibility: He could have put down the wrong grades for ya.
I'm being graded wrongly for my test.
Luckily, i spotted the attendance list with all the grades of tests that was being passed around in my practical session. So i found out my marks were wrong. I immediately approached my teacher to ask him to change.
I knew my test mark was around 60%, he went to put 30%. Failed mark... -_-" Careless...
Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:20 pm
My DT teacher does that.

He really hates me, too, he told me my isometric drawing was wrong because a) it was sitting on top of the box, not below it, and b) the wheels were two far down. I got 4/10. -_-
Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:58 pm
Cut teachers some slack, they work hard and do alot of things that they dont neccesarily have to do for your benefit.
There's no need to call him stupid.
Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:06 pm
Awww I'm sure talking to the head of your school will fix it right up. Teachers are sometimes not-smart like that. My Math teacher from last year used to do that all the time.
But she was kinda losing it anyway. *rolls eyes* She retired after that year. I actually think the school might've forced her to. :|
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