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Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:14 am
Okay, im supposed to write a script, for TTS. I have to write it in modern language. (Like instead of Hark! Lucentio! its: Lucentio look! ) Here it what I ahve so far. Please feel free to fix any lines that are stupid!(which is probably all of them).Also I'd like it if there where a few funny lines in it using famous celebrities or jokes from movies.
of the
(Lucentio and Tranio enter, and talk about their trip?)
Lucentio: Gosh! Finally im at Padua! Tranio, while we are here, let us practice our studies.
Tranio: Yeah! Party! Woo Hoo! *Cough* I mean of course, but let’s not be a couple of wet blankets okay.
Lucentio: (Loud voices come from behind them.) What the heck is that?
(Babtista, Katharina, Bianca, Old Gremio, and Hortensio enter arguing over marriage to Bianca)
Babtista: If I’ve told you once I’ve told you before! You can’t marry Bianca until Katharina is wed fist!
Katharina: (Gives them both the hand)
Gremio and Hortensio: Gross! Im not gonna marry her!
(Lucentio and Tranio look on. Lucentio is dazzled my Bianca’s beauty.)
Lucentio: *Whistles* Hark Tranio! *Points to Bianca*
Tranio: This isn’t the 17 century; we don’t have to talk like that yah know.
(While Bianca is waiting for Kat to get married, she is to have private teachers. This gives the men ideas.)
Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:30 am
If I were you, to be original, I'd do the entire thing in ebonics.
Lucentio: L-DAWG IN THE HIZZOUSE, YO! Tizzle, my bizzle, lets get out da books, bro. We gots ta study.
Tranio: WHAT? YEEE-AAHHHHH! OKAY! Let's keep it real, though.
Lucentio: (Loud voices come from behind them.) WHAT DAT?
(Babtista, Katharina, Bianca, Old Gremio, and Hortensio enter arguing over marriage to Bianca)
Babtista: Yo dog, listen up, a'ight? You ain't gonna make Bianca your lady until Katharina gets hitched.
Katharina: (Gives them both the hand)
Gremio and Hortensio: Oh HELL no! It's like the kennel club in here! ARF, dog!
(Lucentio and Tranio look on. Lucentio is dazzled my Bianca’s beauty.)
Lucentio: *Whistle* You so FINE, baby! *Whispers* Check out that shorty, T-Dawg!
Get the drift? And maybe the ghost of Rick James could make an appearance or two.
Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:38 am
OMg your the best! Here's the second part!

To Old Gremio) So basically we have to find a husband for Katharina. And then Bianca can marry.
(They exit and Lucentio and Tranio enter)
Lucentio: I have to marry Bianca! Gosh!
Tranio: Whatever.
(They both jump up an get an idea. Lucentio and Tranio plan to switch places, and Lucentio will tutor Bianca)
Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:49 am
See the movie '10 Things I Hate About You'. Besides being on of the funniest movies ever, it's entire premise is a modern-day Taming of the Shrew tale ^_^
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