jellyoflight wrote:
You get people like that on the road...once when I was with a friend some guy drove past in a landrover and stuck a lighter out and yelled ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

That sounds like it'd be a rather funny sight!
I've had several incounters like that. Mostly at night, though. Once when I was about eight years old I was playing outside and some teenage boy stopped the car right by the street outside our house and just watched me... I got freaked out and ran inside, though.
When I was 12-13 my friends and I used to go outside in the middle of the night every now and then and play a bit of "deer in headlights". Basically we'd crouch down in a ditch, and then when a car started comming we'd jump out really quickly onto the side of the road and hold perfectly still, doing nothing but staring at the oncomming car's headlights. We got a lot of people yelling out their windows at us that way. Specifically, a lot of "What the-?!"'s. That was all great fun though.
Another time my friend and I went to see a movie that got out at about midnight. After the movie we were supposed to head into the mall (which is right by the theatre) and come to my mom's work. (I'm always allowed in after the malls closed since my mother works there, it's really fun all deserted.) But the main enterance was locked, and the security guard wasn't there so we had to go half way around the mall (you should know most malls are huge) to get to the other door. On the way over there a car full of teenage boys pulled up along side us and slowly drove beside us a while before rolling down the window and yelling, "Hello ladies!" We didn't say anything, but he continued to talk to us anyway until a car blaring rap music came by the chased him away. I was seriously freaked out that time... he started to come back towards us, but my friend and I darted for the mall enterance.