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 Post subject: Party Planners Help me!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:35 am 
Beyond Godly
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I am trying to have a very cool birthday party that people will talk about for a long time.
I don't want to spend too much money.
I am thinking of something like this:
Pop & Chips
A Light Show
A Dance
Goodie Bags
Games & Much more!
What else can I have to make my Halloween Birthday Party cooler?

Set=Kitten Medli
Liz: Well. That proves how good everyone's memories are.
Me: Well I have no memor........What did you just say?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:40 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Costume contest? :)


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:34 am 
Beyond Godly
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Kitten Medli wrote:
Costume contest? :)

Definitely, a costume party if your birthday is around Halloween. And the whole Halloween theme. I don't know how old you are, but I remember when I was a teenager that I really missed Halloween. Not the candy and trick-or-treating, but the feeling you got when you dressed up for Halloween. I don't know quite how to describe it--but, you didn't ever have to be yourself on Halloween, you know? You could act out and be anyone and really let yourself go wild. Not destructive wild, but throw care to the wind wild.

Once I got into college and then for a few years afterward, I would throw Halloween parties for my adult friends. Everyone dressed up and the parties were a blast. It's the one time of year when you can be a little kid again without fear of being laughed at.

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:19 am 
PPT Toddler
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truth or dare can't go wrong with that.. twister is fun for all ages.. have a scary movie playing in another room.. have a "guess what i'm acting" kinda contest (even funner with make-shift costumes)..

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:28 am 
Beyond Godly
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If you have a costume party, dress up as Arrow (heeey..he torments me...).

Marshmallows rule..there was something on a program *ahem* my sister *ahem* was watching that hand this thing you made for halloween, and you would put your hand into this gooey thing and this hand would grab you :D A fluffer glub!

that's me.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:17 pm 
Beyond Godly
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How old are you? 'Cause I've been having parties all my life and I'm ashamed to say, they're rather infamous....

If you want people to talk about it, have a bouncy castle party! They're always fun. Oh and don't forget that it's people who make the party. Invite fun people and it's extremely likely that the party will be fun too.

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:51 pm 
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If you are having it at Halloween have a ghost hunt somewhere in town, that won't cost you anything.

Thanks for my sat Jade MWAH!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:50 pm 
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A Light Show? What do you mean by that? When I hear "Light Show", I think of a laser light show, but how can you have that at your house? O.o

How about a scavenger hunt? I don't know where you live, but we used to do those around our blocks. Either everyone has to collect little things, or they can take pictures of the items from their lists. Everyone gets into groups with a disposable camera (because they're cheap and one camera per group). Then your mother or someone can develop the pictures at one of those 1-Hour photo places and you can judge the results later during the party. Another nice place to hold a scavenger hunt is at a mall or something, but try to keep everyone under control and not too rowdy.

I always like those "What's in this box?" Halloween games. You put items in different boxes and the guests reach in and write what they think it is on a sheet of paper. You can probably Google a list of cool items, like peeled grapes, soggy pretzel sticks, jello, wet spaghetti, etc. This can also be fun as part of a scary story. Everyone can sit in a circle in the dark with a flashlight for the storyteller. The storyteller starts the story which at one point must involve finding or touching objects. When the story gets to one of these sections, the storyteller passes around a bowl of whatever item feels like that body part (peeled grapes for eyes, wet spaghetti for brains, etc.). Of course, it has to have a scary ending. Something you can toss at everyone at the end works good, like silly string (not recommended if some people have glasses and it can be very messy) or something else you can toss at everyone. Just make sure it is something softish so no one gets hurt. ;)

Something I always loved at Halloween parties is fortunetelling. You can have someone set up to do card readings with a simple deck of cards. There are some really easy readings that only use like 3 cards per person, (not hard to do). It's fun to hear everyone's fortune. You can either have this done in front of everyone or have the person who is going to be read go into a seperate room. :)

Halloween pinatas are fun. You can fill them with all sorts of Halloween goodies. If you want, everyone can even wear a witches hat (and a blindfold, of course) and use a broom stick to hit the pinata to give it a Hallween feel. :)

One year, my friends and I blew up balloons (orange and black for Halloween) and placed little gifts in them. Everyone left the room and we put out all the balloons. Then we'd let them loose. They'd have to pop the balloons to get the gifts. It was loads of fun. :)

You can also get little gourds and have everyone decorate them using markers, construction paper, yarn, glitter, whatever. Then have everyone vote on which they like the best. (This can also be done with balloons or Halloween shaped cookies(using frosting and sprinkles, or course ;) )).

A murder mystery can be fun. You can make up the story and tell the guests when they arrive. One person will be designated as the "murderer". Who this is will be kept secret. Throughout the party, the "murderer" will "kill" guests when no one else is looking. The "murdered" guests pin something on their shirts or something to designate them as "dead" (stickers are good as well, but may come off during the party, you can also use something else like a spider ring or something, but each "dead" must have the same item). They cannot speak about the mystery at all, but can participate in the rest of the party. At several points throughout the party, everyone will gather and discuss who they think the "murderer" is. Then each guest writes their guess on a piece of paper and places it in a box (empty tissue box or whatever). They votes are tallied up and if the murderer was guessed by majority, everyone gets a prize. If not, it continues until the next time, with people being "murderer" in the meanwhile. If no one guesses who the "murderer" is by the time a certain number of people are left (a low number like two, three, or four), then the "murderer" gets an extra special prize. Of course, the "dead" do not get to vote or be in the room when the guests discuss the "murderer". Also, decide beforehand how many guests are to "die" inbetween meetings.

That's all I can think of for now. We used to do a lot of other things as well, but I don't know if you're into that sort of thing (seances, ouija board, and such). Here's a site with a lot of games ideas:

A lot of the games there were for kids, but there were some interesting ones for older guests as well.

I used to hold a Halloween party every year. We used to do a lot more, but I can't remember at the moment. If I can think of anything else, I'll post again. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:11 pm 
Beyond Godly
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My goodness, Jas, you should be a party planner! I would love to have you host my next party. ;)

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

Last edited by Morningstar on Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:35 pm 
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Thanks, Morningstar. :) Halloween parties were my thing. ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:00 pm 
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I've never done a Halloween party, but this year I might... if this *is* a Halloween party, maybe dress up your room as a dungeon or haunted... room or something.

Soda is gotten cheaply at Big!Lots (formerly known as MacFrugals).

Karaoke can be done with your computer and a comp microphone, if you don't have a proper karaoke machine. (It's just funner with a microphone.) (That way they can also see how they sound!)

I have costumes at my birthday, even though it's after Halloween! You can come up with any excuse for costumes. (Mine is Harry Potter Party.)

I like the Murder mystery idea, but I have two different versions... one is called Murder Mysteria, and takes a lot of people. (It can also be played on furcadia, but that's beside the point.)

In Murder Mysteria, one person is secretly labeled the Murderer (pick it from a hat?) They can't tell anyone they're the murdurer. One is labelled Detective, and tells *everybody* they're detective. The detective can't be killed by murdurer. Other people who get blank pieces of paper from the hat are just... people, and can be murdered, and once the game starts, they can pretend they are the killer, although they cannot kill. The lights go out and everyone wanders around the house. The murderer kills by poking someone and saying something like "I kill you." The person should act dead. Then, either by shouting or a karaoke machine or something, the host/ess (who is not playing, but has what can be the funnest role) announces the person is dead as soon as they are told by the murderer, the detective, or a person. The game continues either until the murderer has killed everyone except the detective or when the detective guesses who the murderer is. The number of guesses the detective has is up to you.

Arr... I'll post the rest after school.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:17 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Wow I like the sound of the murder mystery thing. I might try that for myself.

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:27 pm 
Beyond Godly
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alina wrote:
truth or dare can't go wrong with that.. twister is fun for all ages.. have a scary movie playing in another room.. have a "guess what i'm acting" kinda contest (even funner with make-shift costumes)..

Twister is great!
My mom asked me "What games will you be playing?"
So I said "TWISTER"
And we are gonna rent scary movie 3 and play it.

Set=Kitten Medli
Liz: Well. That proves how good everyone's memories are.
Me: Well I have no memor........What did you just say?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:25 am 
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Jasujo wrote:
A murder mystery can be fun. You can make up the story and tell the guests when they arrive. One person will be designated as the "murderer". Who this is will be kept secret. Throughout the party, the "murderer" will "kill" guests when no one else is looking. The "murdered" guests pin something on their shirts or something to designate them as "dead" (stickers are good as well, but may come off during the party, you can also use something else like a spider ring or something, but each "dead" must have the same item). They cannot speak about the mystery at all, but can participate in the rest of the party. At several points throughout the party, everyone will gather and discuss who they think the "murderer" is. Then each guest writes their guess on a piece of paper and places it in a box (empty tissue box or whatever). They votes are tallied up and if the murderer was guessed by majority, everyone gets a prize. If not, it continues until the next time, with people being "murderer" in the meanwhile. If no one guesses who the "murderer" is by the time a certain number of people are left (a low number like two, three, or four), then the "murderer" gets an extra special prize. Of course, the "dead" do not get to vote or be in the room when the guests discuss the "murderer". Also, decide beforehand how many guests are to "die" inbetween meetings.

One of the most fun times I have ever had was a Murder Mystery Dinner party. We sent invitations to the people as the people they were going to come as. We dressed up as those people and then had to act them out. My grandmother and grandfather were the butler and the maid and we had dinner and tried to solve the mystery.

But that is a bit more for the adult side (There was wine!) :lol:


<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"

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