Eo wrote:
hmm.. I'm having one of these too (I hope) and I'm getting some ideas from here.
I know a good Halloween game, but it's kinda hard to understand for most little kids (heck, my friends who are my age don't quite get the rules) ... great fun once you start playing though. Ever heard of Murderer in the Dark? If I explain it all now I'll be late for school.
I dunno how you go about playing your murder in the dark, but when I used to play it around my friends house, it involved alot aerosoles, water & other messy fun stuff like hair gel, shaving foam.
Oh! I just thought another one, Jas, or anyone else who is interested.
Get a few spare cardboard boxes, preferably about forearm length, width, depth. Make a circle hole in the top so a hand and wrist can comfortable reach in. Paint halloween designs such as scary castles or something on the outside. Do that for all of them.
Fill the boxes with a suitable "bedding" such as wood shavings, ripped up tissue paper etc. Then get a some balloons that are half-filled with water, not to much that they might burst, just big enough to be noticed. Place them inside the boxes. Have you every seen sweets/candy that are in the shape of snakes or something? Get plenty of them. Place them inside among the balloons, you could also put in other things like small novelty items. Then put the boxes out and let people put their hands in to pick something out, with their eyes closed ofcourse

. (The reason for the water balloons is they usually feel horrible when touched when the person can't see them.)