Sorry it isn't most recent. I liked the second edition and I thought I had it on my computer, but it seems I didn't. I remember at one point there was a character limit to the post and I had to remove all symbols to make more room.
It's kind of a pity. Each edition looks like a generation of PPTers (although the first edition's definitely not the first generation!). The second edition had its own memories as well ... And I guess whatever it is that will come along next will be pretty different as well. Old faces gone and all that.
Ancient sages with magical powers or knowledge, wisdom or power living in a fantastical, mysterious world, each in their own nook of that kingdom ... Entered only by those who have learned the secret and have gained the key, never to be forgotten again.
Skimming through these pages, methinks Alexi will be future heiress since she's the only one who PM'd me personally.

But I fancy I'd like to see what Hunter has in mind for the next "couple of months".