I USED to live in edmonton, but no longer. I moved to Vancouver, where the weather is MUCH MUCH milder, hahaha. Although, last winter, it got quite cold for Vancouver weather, (no comparing to edmonton or those places ^^* heh. ) -10 degrees, -30 with windchill, but edmonton is worse. Wear gloves, always have lip gloss, as these were said, but I haven't actually read all of them *hides* u loose most of your heat from your head, so wear a toque, ummm, windproof jacket with fleeeece inside. Mmm, warm. Lotsa socks, allt he things said. Yeah. Lots of cream^^* It helps sooth your skin. (If you can drive, ifyou're old enough, or if there's not too much snow) then wait one or two minutes after starting your car before driving, to heat up the engine, umm, and always have houseshoes by your bed, so that you don't freeze your feet in the mornings^^* heh. Change right away, so that you warm up in your day's clothes sooner, hehe. Check the weather to see if it's gonna get colder or not, so that you can be prepared. If anything, warm you clothes under your sheets, and sit on them or something. It'll warm them up, I speak from camping experience^^*. Warm your hands under hot water before going out, because then when you put your gloves on, they'll warm up faster, and stay warmer longer. If you're going out into deep snow, have waterproof stuff, cus snow WILL eventually seep through. It sucks being cold and wet. You can get sick easily. Yep, I'm sure that's all been said though^^*.
