Hmm... I can't recall the motto for my college (or if we even have one).
My high school was Carpe Diem and Ad Astra (not sure if they're spelled correctly). Most people know Carpe Diem it means "Seize the Day". Ad Astra means "Reach for the Stars". Both mottos were carved on the outside of the school. Oh and I did go to a public school, it just looked like a mansion because a millionaire donated it to the town at the turn of the century.
Anyway, also off topic, in one of my college writing classes the professor was teaching us about the concept of Carpe Diem. She told us that once she asked her students to define the term "Carpe Diem" on a test. One student (who didn't come to class often) defined it as "the process by which a fish becomes a god"

Later the student tried to get credit for at least using their brain to try and figure out an answer.

I'm finally back for the summer, although hopefully I'll spend a little more time away from this screen.