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 Post subject: She's finally lost it!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:48 pm 
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Oak's finally gone over the edge... thanks to a Wyrmme named Sauroposeidon. Here's the logfile, which in IC time takes place about an hour after the one I posted earlier.

Oakleaf Evolution cries out, "DIE!", muffled by the tent to the audability of a dull murmur.

Iz, the Ambiguous wharfs down about half of what's left of the cookie in hand as Oak screams. "I guess we should check on her?," Iz queries, readying self to scootch back into the tent, "Would you mind leading the way in, just in case she's really gone crazy, this time?"

Sauroposeidon stands up, curious as all get-out. "No problem...who is it?" he asks.

You say, "[[I love the way you say that. This time, heehee.]"

Iz, the Ambiguous: "Oak," Iz answers curtly, shoving self backwards.

Sauroposeidon enters, looking for Oak. He's not seen her in a while, and her mental instability may be nice and handy. :-) For all his talk and kind-hearted actions, there's still a black hole.

Oakleaf Evolution is slumped against a tent pole, panting raggedly with a derranged smile on her face, a smile which occasionally switches to a horrified expression and back again.

Iz, the Ambiguous would slide into the tent, making certain to glance over shoulder before actually entering. "You almost look as crazy as I was," Iz states towards the frantic-looking Oak, "What's wrong this time?"

Oakleaf Evolution should go all Green Goblin on Iz, but... no.]]

Sauroposeidon, keeping an eye on Oak, stands here, making sure that Iz doesn't get assaulted or such by the obviously deranged girl. His other eye opens as well, now, both kept half-lidded and intently trained on Oak. "Yes, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice holding a rather commanding tone to it. Here's your reunion, Oak!

Oakleaf Evolution, upon hearing voices, falls into kneeling and begins to cough violently, keeping one expression now, the fearful one, till at last she sways on the spot and falls onto the sand at the side of the tent, face-down.

Iz, the Ambiguous sighs exhasperatedly. "I dunno what to do with her, anymore," Iz grunts, bringing self to lean against one of the posts that make up the entrance.

Sauroposeidon, while not as inwardly concerned as he acts, whisks across the expanse to kneel near Oak, making to gather her up and place her in the makeshift bed behind him. Yet he responds to Iz, in a most curious fashion. "Let me keep an eye on her. I can care for her, and make sure she doesn't go over that last, big, deep end..."

Iz, the Ambiguous simply nods, "Alright. I think I'll head back out ot the fire. It was nice catching up with you."

Sauroposeidon nods to Iz, quickly. "The same. And don't forget to ask if you want another cookie," he says.

Iz, the Ambiguous, thus, exits. :-)

Oakleaf Evolution breathes slowly, gasping... her eyes open once more and return to normal, pupils no longer pinpricks of black. "Who... what..."

Sauroposeidon: (Oak is mine! >:D)

You say, "[[Woahwoahwoah! You scare my Eowyn alter-ego.]]"

Sauroposeidon sits on the bed beside Oak, smirking maliciously. "Hello, Oak..." is all he says.

You say, "[[Not the Derny one, though. Facestab, it says.]]"

Sauroposeidon: (As in, I'm gonna make her become a necromancer. :-()

Sauroposeidon: (Or try. :-P)

Sauroposeidon is no pedophile, mind you!

Oakleaf Evolution looks confused for a second. "You... Oh! You were... at... at the old c-camp." she says, voice fading slightly as she speaks.

Sauroposeidon nods, his Orb eye fixated on her, the other as well. "Sauro'," he states, offering a nod. "Glad you remember. Care to tell me what ails you, deary?" he asks her, seeming, for the largest part, concerned.

Oakleaf Evolution shivers... she's getting deja vu again, and can't think what about, as if there's a brick wall where a memory had been. "I'm fine," she quickly states, and believes it. Well, except there's blood flowing down her face where the rock hit her, but that will heal in time.

Sauroposeidon nods; "All right, then. Hm...I have a book you'd like to read, really. It'll help pass the time, and offer the world to you, deary. Care for a look?" he asks, an ulterior motive behind his words, spoken on the serpent's own malifluent silver tongue.

Oakleaf Evolution looks down. "I... I cannot read."

Sauroposeidon smirks more; "You can learn!" he exclaims, suddenly extending a hand for her head. "'re hurt. Can I have a look?" he inquires, a serious expression on his face. A slight rainbow-esque shimmer deigns to flash about his head once- inherit wyrmme psionics- as it tingles along the tips of his fingers.

Oakleaf Evolution flinches, red mane flying forward as she jerks back. People oughta stop reaching for her head.

Sauroposeidon is obviously going to just have to BE MEAN. "You'll learn the book of the Craft, one way or another!" he says, hand thrusting forth angrily. If able, it will grasp her head in what she may conceive to be a death-grip. And for all purposes, it is.

Sauroposeidon: (Don'tchoo love Sauro's kind demeanor?)

Oakleaf Evolution cries out. "Ghkk! Let go!"

You say, "[[Sauron's got this talent for going about things all the wrong way. I mean... she'd be very interested in necromancy normally... but this is SO much more interesting!]]"

Sauroposeidon's hand isn't letting go, so long as he can help it. And also hopefully, she's not the experience underbelt to break free of the force trying to eat into her mind; hopefully, she's not the willpower to stop the sweeping darkness trying to overcome her sight. If not, a book- bound in ancient leathers and clasps- would be her only sight. And through what would be a gut-wrenching time to her- though only a short few moments- his memories of the book would be thrust into her own, unfolding and teaching of the Three Craft, of>>>>

Sauroposeidon> Fleshcraft, Bloodcraft, and Soulcraft. A look at the book through his eyes. Yet, also hopefully, she has the power inside to keep this from outright killing her. (1/1 Wyrmme Psionics.)

Sauroposeidon: (And if she doesn't, I'mma be smurf at you, Oak. >:()

Oakleaf Evolution has willpower at least, a shocking amount of it, that strength which has saved her life twice already. She sees everything dimly, so terribly dim it is near black, but not the book... but then the darkness reminds her of something, something terrible yet somehow funny now, and this willpower weakens just enough to force the book into her sight, and the memories into her head.

Sauroposeidon's eyes widen at her impressive willpower and resistence. "You're rather tough; this will be great for you in the future, seeing as how it will serve you well...Oak. The ranks of the undead will be yours to command; kingdoms will bow to your power! Furres and beasts alike will cower from your presence alone..." he says, whispering the very awesome promises to her, hoping to help diminish her gaurd and boost her initiative in this. The book's pages unravel, all the while, showing the truths of Death's power to her, through Sauro's recollections. Dark, menacing, >
Sauroposeidon> and even frightening are these pages of the lost Craft of Three, but yet, once into her head, she may find the teachings proving his words true. Bend to his will!

Sauroposeidon: (Yes. I said 'very awesome'. Why? They are! And 'astounding' or 'grand' didn't seem to

Oakleaf Evolution gasps... and yet she knows that is not what she desires. Two deepest wishes she holds, and one possible... except... except now it seems both may be. "Augh... I... I d-don't want any of that... just them! Just them.... them and Vengeance!"

Sauroposeidon's eyes widen further. Vengeance! Perfect..."You can acheive vengeance through this power! You can achieve ANY of your wishes...just flow with the pages; become one with the words it speaks to you. They will love you, and in return for acceptance, your dreams will come true! Vengeance will be yours! Blood will flow from your enemies' bodies in tides of crimson, beneath your feet..." he says, hissing loudly to her. Yes. Partake of his evil machinations.

Oakleaf Evolution cries out in anguish, still struggling against this power. "NYN! NYN! NYYYYYYN!" She's not speaking the common tongue anymore, so basic have bocome her motivations. Now she sobs for she cannot escape this sight of the damned book, and yet knows deep down it can help her. Oak whispers. "My vengeance must be my own....ahhh.... release.... let me g-guh-go...."
Oakleaf Evolution is weakening.

Sauroposeidon, regardless of her pleas for escape, does not release. No, it will help, he tells himself. "You will achieve it on your own. I'm just giving you the power to do so; the power to achieve what you want. Isn't that what you want? Are you not tired of cowering and cringing at the sight of a wamplug? Surely you are," he coos soothingly to her. If rage and hate won't work immediately, hopefully the 'detached fatherly figure' approach will.

Oakleaf Evolution cries pathetically. "I... I just want my friends back..." And there it is.... the perfect motivation.

Sauroposeidon isn't one to let that go by! "My can get them back; they will never leave you again. They will be yours to have and hold and speak with once more. All you need to do is embrace the book's teachings. Do not turn from it; your friends' voices...can you not hear them? Beyond the pages? They want you to come back to them. No, they want you to return them here..." Ooo. Booya!

You say, "[[I am totally into this. WOOO YAH! BRING BACK THE SKINNED SQUIRREL XD]]"

Sauroposeidon: (Yes. >D)
Sauroposeidon: (I'd laugh. :-) In a good way.)
Sauroposeidon: (Oak: Hey everyone! This is my friend, Bob. He was skinned, dead. Say hi, Bob.///Bob: Uuuunngh.)

Oakleaf Evolution sobs still... though she has seen the book, gained the memories, the power only now dawns on her. Something seems wrong with it, terribly wrong... but no worse than the killings themselves. Only one word escapes her lips. "Father..." She seems to have given in.

Sauroposeidon, just to twist things around, speaks..."Yes, my child? Speak to me, for I can help." Oh! Bad Sauro.

You say, "[[Athrin, actually. Oh feck, you're going to drive Oak more nuts than she is.]]"

Sauroposeidon: (:))
Sauroposeidon: (I'm evil.)
Sauroposeidon: (I love it.)

Oakleaf Evolution gasps, actually believing Sauroposeidon's voice to be that of Dethak, and looks up... Oh please, she thinks, let me see him! Not the book, I must see Father one last time.
Sauroposeidon's thoughts are easily able to grasp her own, and a picture as she remembers Dethak is hers to hold and cherish, yet, in his the Book of Three Craft, open and offered. My child, he says to her soothingly, the book may seem wicked, but it is beautiful inside. Delve into it, and find me within its pages, so that I may hold onto our time together once more. Sauro's warping of things is so evil, he'd make Satan cringe.

Oakleaf Evolution's eyes grow hugely wide, and she tries to lunge at wherever the image of the noble warrior may appear, to embrace him, tell him she's sorry, anything. "Feadros!" she cries in a shout of joy and pain intermingled.

Sauroposeidon, however unfortunately, is there to recieve this embrace. Yet he returns it affectionately, intently on keeping this certain facade up...for a loooong time. His words become the words spoken by that image, which he is the shape of now. The book is in her; it is no longer needed. "Do not fear, my child. I am here, and I will remain here with you...forever." Someone should put a warrent on Sauro's smurf right now, just for being evil.

Sauroposeidon: (I have one more evil bit in store for Oak, too. sooo evil...IT CANNOT BE COPIED. EVER.)

Oakleaf Evolution's tears flow freely now... and her will to learn the arts in the book, now in herself, flows also. For it seems to have returned Dethak to her. Nothing, nothing is more important. She has cast good and evil aside. All that matters is regaining those lost... all that matters is that once more she is in those strong arms that were always there, no matter how angry Dethak was, no matter how aggrieved either. All that matters is nothing.... for such, in reality, is her father. "Am... Am ain yuad... Feadros."

Sauroposeidon, although knowing he doesn't understand her words, finds a way to compensate! "My dear; my time here is up. Sleep, and learn from the book in your memory. Make me proud; no, I am proud of you now. What you will do is reunite us...and then...then..." he voice, already having become a whisper, fades.

Sauroposeidon: (And on that cue, I need to go after this next posting turn. :x)

You say, "[[GOOD smurf!]]"

Sauroposeidon: (Why, thank you. :-D)

You say, "[[Did you know how evil that post alone was? Dethak was never proud of Oak. You've just driven her over the edge!]]"

Sauroposeidon: (Sweet.)

Sauroposeidon: (And what's best...Sauro can claim to be trying to help her, and whenever anything goes awry, he'll say, "She's crazy. I am trying to help her, though.")

Oakleaf Evolution looks up, upon reality, eyes burning softly. "Father..." she once more whispers... now she knows she must bring him back, bring them all back! Live among friends renewed, and make Ranarron pay, pay with his life, pay with his heart, pay in terrible agony as Oakleaf had to do. And all she shall accomplish side-by-side with Dethak... this dream forms in her head.

Sauroposeidon: (Anyhow, I'm out. :P Pick up tomorrow!)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Location: Set by Stampsyne. Thanks!
This is another RP log right? I like your RPs, they are very detailed and interesting, though frankly you needn't post a new thread telling us each time something interesting happens.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:02 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Qanda wrote:
This is another RP log right? I like your RPs, they are very detailed and interesting, though frankly you needn't post a new thread telling us each time something interesting happens.

To be honest, Qanda. There are no rules that are infringed here. Aslong as Eo's log files don't come 20 at a time, or infringe the other policies of the forum. She does no wrong.

kudos sasha+gregory // PPT's Unofficial President

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:15 pm 
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xerai wrote:
Qanda wrote:
This is another RP log right? I like your RPs, they are very detailed and interesting, though frankly you needn't post a new thread telling us each time something interesting happens.

To be honest, Qanda. There are no rules that are infringed here. Aslong as Eo's log files don't come 20 at a time, or infringe the other policies of the forum. She does no wrong.

Both of you have a point. My opinion is it's okay for Eo to post these things if she wants to, it's not harming anyone. BUT maybe it would be better to cram them into one single thread instead of always creating a new thread. And I'm not backseat-moddig dagnabbit, just giving my opinion :P

Set by everconfused

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:01 pm 
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Silja wrote:
xerai wrote:
Qanda wrote:
This is another RP log right? I like your RPs, they are very detailed and interesting, though frankly you needn't post a new thread telling us each time something interesting happens.

To be honest, Qanda. There are no rules that are infringed here. Aslong as Eo's log files don't come 20 at a time, or infringe the other policies of the forum. She does no wrong.

Both of you have a point. My opinion is it's okay for Eo to post these things if she wants to, it's not harming anyone. BUT maybe it would be better to cram them into one single thread instead of always creating a new thread. And I'm not backseat-moddig dagnabbit, just giving my opinion :P

^ Very borderline on the backseat modding in my eyes :P, but I agree with what she said.

If there will be any further discussion on it, this thread will be locked.

.. In between the cover of another perfect wonder where it’s so white as snow //
Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:15 pm 
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Mm, so.. what do ye guys think of it? I will edit whatever Sauro does next when we continue this today into this post, since it is, after all, part of the same scene.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:46 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Hm. It's quite interesting, actually. Very detailed, Eo.

kudos sasha+gregory // PPT's Unofficial President

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