Ooooh, now THIS is my kind of topic!
My 2 1/2 year old JRT Jasmine:
And my 2 year old Siamese Meezer Ming:
(Pics by me

As for cropping/docking...I don't like it much either. Jasmine was docked at 3 days, which was before I found her breeder, so I had no say in it. I have heard of some Boxers being shown with natural ears, but sadly it's not widely accepted yet.
Being from Kansas, what really gets my blood boiling is puppy mills. Awful places that mass-produce puppies in horrible environments, to sell them to pet stores. For those who don't know....Yep, that's where pet-store pups come from. Good breeders don't sell to stores.....they care too much about their dogs and want to know who gets them. I've actually seen one in real life. A friend told me about it, and I went to investigate before reporting them. They're just awful...cages and cages of different puppies, out in the sun with no shade. And I once owned a JRT who I suspect was from a mill. She was used for breeding, and she had tons of problems.
Ok, I shall end my rant. If anyone wants to know more, feel free to PM me.

"It's just a ride." ~ Bill Hicks