mogster500, watch the socks. They can get stuck, and then they have to be surgically removed. And it's expensive.
(stops being the pet expert now) Sorry 'bout that.
My kitty thinks she's a dog. Meezer(cat) is only a month older than Jasmine(dog), and they were raised together. When she was teething, she chewed on Jas's rawhide bones. She doesn't come to "here kitty kitty"....instead you have to yell her name and whistle. And, she does some simple tricks. Weird part is, I never taught her....she must have picked it up from watching me train Jasmine.
Proof of teething on rawhides:
Jasmine's a Jack Russell Terrier, so weird is normal for her. She tries to "rescue" you by licking your face if you sneeze. She flips on her back and "breakdances" in the middle of the room for no reason. She also:
and smiles:

"It's just a ride." ~ Bill Hicks