Nah, didn't you all hear? Drop bears are actually a cross between possums and Koalas. They've got 3 claws that are about 20cm long each, and sharp enough to slice someone's face apart.
Usually, they attack when a creature looks up into a tree (after hearing a noise presumably) and lunge for the eyes first, blinding their victims instantly. Then, they go in for the kill. Nasty buggers. Although, I've heard stories that they've got a strange dislike to Peanut Butter, and Vegemite to some extent. So to stay safe, survivalists recommend wearing a liberal coat of peanut butter or Vegemite when goign through the bush.
Oh and yeah, Red Backs are awful, but they're nothing compared to Funnel Webs. You don't want to get bitten by a Funnel Web. Their poison will paralyze you after a few minutes, and then a short while after, will kill you (unless you manage to treatment). So all you Canadians, and Americans and Brits, and anyone else, be thankful the Funnelweb Spider doesn't haunt your backyards