The weather has been pretty darn weird this year all around, I think. We haven't had anything as exciting as say, hail, falling from the sky for a couple of years, but just a few days ago it rained in california in early august! whaaat. okay, so it was just a light sprinkling. but very strange, it felt like october or november or something.
I went on a retreat to Tahoe in early June and there was still snow everywhere, in huge thick patches. And we couldn't go cliff jumping because the water was too cold and it was dangerous to swim in it. It was crazy, but also amazingly gorgeous - it was a spectacular experience to hike through the mountains in jeans and a tank top and have to slosh through huge snow drifts and such. The melting snow was so beautiful!
And last January, when we are supposed to have rainstorms and such it was like spring weather for a few weeks. (I'm in norcal, more like midcal though, haha)
hail in august is pretty wild though. and the u.s. midwest weather is pretty wild, I'll agree, I was in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Tennessee for my uncle's wedding for basically all of July and we kept getting huge thunderstorms and such (backlash from the hurricanes). My grandma's swim float raft thing in her lake was actually knocked loose from its anchor during a windstorm. But that's pretty normal for the midwest, just exciting for me since we've had something like 3 or 4 thunder/lightning storms in the entirety of my life in CA.
And I just wrote an essay on weather of all things, so I'll stop typing now

[smile though your heart is aching::smile even though its breaking]