Kyra wrote:
Ah, I absolutely adore Lindt and Guylian. Every Christmas, we buy a billion boxes of the Lindy chocolate truffles, and the Guylian seashell thingamajiggs.

I worked at a bank for 5 years and for 4 of them I had 2 customers that were from Belgium (one of them owned a Belgium chocolate factory). They would both bring me Belgium Chocolates ALL the time (sigh..... my butt started getting as wide as I am tall! - good thing I'm short!) and my favorites were the Guylian seashells. Absolutely YUM!
I love Lindt's too but my fav Lindt is the white chocolate truffle!
Godiva is good if you can get it fresh... my uncle was overseas at a convention and he & my aunt brought over a box of Godiva's that were fresh from the factory (he had connections!) and they were truly to die for.
American chocolates leave me a little disappointed (and I'm from america!) as it seems like you can never get the same taste twice. I can open a snack bag of M & M's plain one day and they'll taste very different from another snack bag from the same main bag.