Ixistant wrote:
There was a docu-drama on this a few months back on Sky One that said that the middle of the USA would be uninhabitable and sulpher dioxide (I think) would pour into the atmosphere and turn the sky red. I'm telling you, the shepards must be counting down the days until it happens if it turns the sky red!
yes well, Sky-one also said that Chavs (stupid phrase

) are the upper-working class that we're all jelous of thats why i ahte them.
yeah. thats it.
to put it simply, if one of the worlds Seven super volcanoes (heh. seven. the number of death) erupts, we are -to put it elegantly- done for.
we will be offed, deaded, snuffed out, made to be of the none-living variety.
the entire world, a few basic creatures will survive but other than that, the world will be all-but barren.