Fiddelysquat wrote:
PuddingofEvil wrote:
I left one of my continuous fire experiments going overnight, and it's still going. I've discovered the secret of everlasting fire! Muahahahahahaha!
Has anyone played the version of this with the stick-figure zombies? The whole saltwater thing is driving me nuts.
Continuous fire?! You must tell!

I finally closed that tab or I'd take a screenshot, but what I did was:
1) Turn off everything but water, then turn up the water to 5 and put a lot of spout everywhere.
2) Get the plant started growing, then turn oil back up on 5.
3) Set fire to the stream of oil. The flame will travel up to the top of the stream and stay there.
4) Then the plant eventually grows to where it touches the fire, and it burns.
Once the fire burns most of the plant away, it'll start regrowing while the fire keeps burning at the top of the oil stream and it all repeats. I've heard there are other ways to keep the flame going for a long time, but this one's my preferred method.
[/virtual pyromania]