Setekh wrote:
Flame wrote:
Setekh wrote:
Okay. I'll go slowly.
Hypothetical family: Thats because she has genetic issues/ eating disorder / Vile alien parasite that feeds off of fat /Whatever.
Media: I know, we can make money from this poor excuse of a sob story, lets sensationalise the story and with-hold half the truth while playing to the parts that get us money like we always do and have done for millenia!
People that don't believe they do this: OMG SHE'S FAT AND I BLAME THE PARENTS!
What half of the truth are they withholding? .
The part about
The show needs stories to have viewership to make money. Any show on TV needs money to run. Shows are designed so people watch them and their advertisements in order to make money.
It's an unavoidable truth. For this reason, we all need to take everything that is said with a grain of salt.
But this isn't limited to just TV. Newspapers, friends, family, random people on the street, we can't take everything on face value.
However, the show also serves as a medium for exposing any pertinent issue. If we didn't have Channel 7 news, Channel 9 news etc. etc. etc., then we would lose a medium of communicating contemporary issues around the world.
I'm all for open communication - it's up to the people to discern what is true what is not.
This thread is not a crusade against the media, it is about child obesity which is a very real problem. If not this girl, then someone else.
Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.