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 Post subject: Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stuff?
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:51 am 
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Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stuff?

What about fortune tellers? Can they tell your fortune and see into the future?

How about things like... astrology and whether your sign determines what your personality is like etc.

Has anyone here experienced a "freaky" experience?

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:08 am 
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Yes. In my world, there's definitely fate.
You can say that it's possible that two random people(who are not known for being particularly extroverted) from the same international message board would meet in a small community, become friendly, and then realize that they were on that same board without either of them bringing up the message board.
But I'd rather not believe that two people from a forum that recently passed 10,000, out of more than 1 billion internet-users, could meet and have a discussion and get each other's AIM names, completely oblivious to the fact that they were on the same forum, out of pure chance.

"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:40 am 
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O'rly? Who is it... tell me more lol.

If you believe in past lives... they say the people you surround yourself with now were around you in the past life as well.

One of my friend's mum told me she can tell when people are going to die... that freaked the heck out of me.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:00 am 
Beyond Godly
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While technically possible to predict the future, I sincerely doubt anyone who sits in a caravan reading palms can do it.
Same goes for astrology, this weeks prediction amounted to "He who commands the past controls the future, he who controls the future commands the past" or however that went.
From the daily mail funnily enough.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:01 am 
Beyond Godly
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I believe in luck. But fate? Hm, I'm not sure. I'll keep an open mind.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:00 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I have no reason to believe in fate or destiny I don't. :roll:

From what I've read about my star sign, and knowing people who are the same sign as me ...I'd say it can be trusted at least a little. A good deal of it is true. But I don't believe in "daily, weekly, monthly, whateverly" horoscopes. :P

I'm certain there have been "freaky" experiences that caused me to "freak out", but I can't seem to recall a specific one to share it at the moment.


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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:45 pm 
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You know the star signs are inaccurate right now, because the orbit of the Earth shifts on a 26,000 years period? So the zodiac was accurate back in the time of the Egyptians, and it was used to calculate harvest times :P
That's about the most useful thing zodiac and astrology can do for me. I don't believe in destiny, fortune tellers, luck and such.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:49 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I don't believe in anything. :(

 Post subject: Re: Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stu
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:47 pm 
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Kymothy wrote:
Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stuff?

What about fortune tellers? Can they tell your fortune and see into the future?

How about things like... astrology and whether your sign determines what your personality is like etc.

Has anyone here experienced a "freaky" experience?

I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason, thus affecting the outcome of future events.

Fortune tellers and soothsayers are rubbish to me. Most of them are trying to make money off the gullable.

I never much believed in astrology...though the discription for my sign is dead accurate for me down to my very flaws.

now "freaky" experiences are another thing for me. Ever since I was little strange things have happen to me...thats why I am so interested in the paranormal and cryptozology.

here's a story from my blog that might help explain:
I often tell the story of my haunted room at Leaders school. we stayed in Ellis Hall at Illinois college at Jacksonville. Well I had the pleasure of staying in room 303 on the 3rd floor. I got very sick my 2nd day there and remained sick for about 2 days. I was throwing up and basically layed in bed all day. Luckily my friends kept me company. Well in the room was a rocking chair 2 foldout beds & 2 closets with no doors. In the window there was something etched but I couldnt read what it said.

One night I woke up to roll over and go to the bathroom when I saw someone standing in my closet. at 1st I thought it was my roommate trying to be funny...but I looked over to realize she was in bed I shreeked...and she woke up, saw what I was screaming at..and screamed too. then the figure just vanished. After that we were never in the room alone.

The rocking chair also never really stopped moving. And things would vanish and reappear right where they were left. We all got nametag buttons the 1st day. They were supposed to be in our top drawer. Mine never was. So I finally had to get a new one, no big deal. Well the day I was packing to leave I found the the drawer where it was supposed to be and never was. We would lock the door at night to wake up in the morning finding it standing wide open. Or sometimes we would get locked out, when neither of us locked the door to begin with. It as also slightly cold in the room...even thought it was july on the 3rd floor of a building w. no air conditioning.

Later I was looking up hauntings by state and came across this:

and one that site I found this:

A room that is located on the third floor of Illinois College’s Ellis Hall is also rumored to be infested with ghosts. According to reports, no one lives there is they don’t have to. Rumor has it that a girl hanged herself in the closet there around 1986 after not getting a bid from a Literary Society. It is said that doors open and close on there own here, appliances and radios turn on and off and that windows have a habit of going up and down under their own power. Or at least that's one version of the story....

Other students and alumni of Illinois College have contacted me to say that the girl who haunts room 303 was actually a young woman named "Gail", who died of natural causes in this room. Apparently, her parents were aware that she was terminally ill when she went to school but as attending college had always been her dream, they allowed her to go anyway. She died while living in Ellis Hall and a small plaque is mounted on the door of the room in her memory. It is said that her ghost is a mischievous one, opening doors and hiding things. Local legend has it that third floor residents have often said that if they lose anything, they will ask Gail aloud to return it. The missing item is usually found a short time later.

A former student of the college, who lived for two years in Ellis Hall, wrote to tell me of experiences that she had while living below the "haunted room". She said that she often heard knocking sounds coming from the other side of the wall, even though there was nothing there. It was the outer wall of the building and there were no trees nearby.

I can honestly say I never saw I plaque on the door...but it was that room. And theres nothing not right about it.

I guess it might sound batty...but everyone believes in something...its what makes us human.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:47 pm 
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I'm a firm believer in fate. The way I see it, we were all born into the world with our lives already planned out for us, even so far as to determine our date of death. I believe that somewhere out there are friends I still have yet to meet, a boyfriend or a girlfriend (who knows what fate has in store?) and that I WILL meet them because it's my destiny, my fate. Things will happen that seem random and co-incidental and other things will happen that were made by me, opening up more paths and oppurtunities in my life. But I believe that's fate as well. For example, when someone was born, it was their fate that they would personally try their hardest to make something happen. It was fate that determined whether that decision was the right one or the wrong one. It was fate that decided that the persons actions would give them a new friend or not. No one has to believe me with this. I believe in it though and I always will.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:56 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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No to all. I just believe in actions and consequences.


 Post subject: Re: Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stu
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:05 pm 
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Kymothy wrote:
Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and all that stuff?


Kymothy wrote:
What about fortune tellers? Can they tell your fortune and see into the future?


Kymothy wrote:
How about things like... astrology and whether your sign determines what your personality is like etc.


Kymothy wrote:
Has anyone here experienced a "freaky" experience?


Kitten Medli wrote:
No to all. I just believe in actions and consequences.

If all actions have consequences, and all consequences can be considered as new actions, does that not imply a deterministic reality in which a feasable fate exists?

Will you stop with the honour stuff?

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:13 pm 
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Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
I'm a firm believer in fate. The way I see it, we were all born into the world with our lives already planned out for us, even so far as to determine our date of death.

Hey :) I'm not trying to rattle anyone's cage or make you feel like your beliefs are totally wrong or anything like that, I just have some questions.

If our lives are already planned out in such detail, then why do we have free will? Wouldn't it be just kinda wasted or something?

Also, if the world runs as you say, why don't our birth certificates come with expiration dates? :P (Okay, this one's a joke rhetorical question. Couldn't resist.)

As for me, while I think there may be some people out there who are genuinely gifted with spiritual insight, I'm afraid that the vast majority of fortune tellers and astrologists are either too deeply deluded or too fraudulent to be of any real use in determining if I even have a predetermined fate, much less tell me what it is. I'm interested in the symbols and personality definitions of astrology, but I don't accept it as a religion or belief system or anything. In other words, it's fine for fiction and entertainment, but I don't trust it for anything beyond that.

On the subject of fate itself, I'm gonna dodge the question of whether I believe in it or not and instead quote from Princess Tutu: "There is happiness for those who accept their fate. There is glory for those defy their fate." I like pondering that one and often wonder which I've personally done/ am doing now. Heh.


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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:31 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Everything can be explained logically without relying on "luck" or "fate".

If I were in a mood to do math right now, I'd figure out what the odds are of meeting someone you knew from a group in 10000 in a larger group of about 6,000,000,000...

Oh, heck, I am in a mathy mood.

Assuming you meet 20 new people every day (not unlikely in most communities, and it's an average), that's 7300 people a year... 60 years is 438000. Just over 1,000,000,000 people use the internet. 438000/1000000000 equals .000438, or about 4.38 out of 10000 people. With 10000 members at the forum, about 8 members (since they'll be meeting another member, both of them meet a member) of the forum will meet entirely randomly.

Still not incredible odds for any one user, but out of a group, extremely high...


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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:47 pm 
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No, I dont believe in any of those. I believe in random coincidences.


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