_jaye_ wrote:
Paul wrote:
Or you can just continuously drop your pen on the floor by accident and ask different regulators at the exam hall to pick it up. Gehehe.
*sigh* Invigilators here are MEAN. They glare at you, they SLEEP, they walk around, they eat popcorn, they gossip.
What to do when you finished your math exam in 40 mins? Check it 3 times. Then sit and drink some water...and then start singing this song someone next door from my form made up:
Do, a beer, i want some beer,
Re, the guy who sells the beer.
Me, the guy, who drinks the beer,
Fa, the way I run for beer!
So, I think I'll have some beer;
La, la la la la la beer!
Ti, I'll have some beer instead;
then we all go baaaack to dooooo....Wonderful song, keeps you occupied for at least half an hour if you sing in your head long enough. >:3
*giggle* I have five hours of exams on Monday so I'm definately going to use those to amuse myself.
I love that song jaye! And Paul, I'd love to do that just to see how far I can go.
The other day in my General Studies exam, I had a problem. Now having a surname beginning with S, I sit right at the back of the hall in exams. The Invigilators, being stupid, only put one clock right at the front of the hall. Me being stupid, didn't have my glasses on and I'm as blind as a bat without them. Every so often, I had to ask the Invigilators for the time.