Well, I couldn't find any for Ixistant, and ones for Satan Claus were, erm, innapropriate so here are some for my real name, stuart.
stuart is back for another
stuart is doing cw 2
stuart is great because
stuart is british karting champion
stuart is not guilty (Or so they think!)
stuart is high on country's mountain top
stuart is back
stuart is first 214th ga moderator candidate
stuart is a pharmacist (Nice to know I have a job waiting for me)
stuart is february pacific bell play of the month winner (o_0)
stuart is set to succeed julian ogilvie thompson as chairman of
stuart is back for another adventure
stuart is left alone to attend to the plane which he turns on and starts flying around the house in (Once again, o_0)
stuart is the voice of brock and james
stuart is carried off against bolton
stuart is fred g
stuart is british karting champion published on
stuart is like dolly parton (I'm insulted. I only work 9 to 4!)
stuart is now ready to do such rough and tough things as play soccer
stuart is proactive on preservation by david collier stuart city manager august 28
stuart is known as "the sailfish capital of the world (:D)
stuart is professor of old testament at gordon
stuart is seen here with his new art tool
stuart is also the director of the columbus optical seti observatory
stuart is depressed that george is angry and that he doesn't have a friend of his own (Erm, yay?)
stuart is (Very philosophical)
stuart is a member of the iee
stuart is experienced in negotiating and litigating cases involving high net worth individuals (Once again,

stuart is now (I thought I was tomorrow)
stuart is a leading provider of executive search and other human capital consulting services
stuart is joined by his cousin
stuart is equalled only by bute's collaboration with william burges to restore cardiff castle and castel coch
stuart is currently involved in two research projects
stuart is something of an enigma
stuart is able to travel only on foot (And I'm getting really annoyed about that!)
stuart is known as "the sailfish capital of the world" and is rated as one of the best sailfishing spots in the world during december
stuart is pretty hands (I never noticed that before)
stuart is currently one of the top ten downloaded people in the world (See, I'm only a figment of the internet's mind!)
stuart is now the highest paid newsletter writer in the uk and his subscribers are fanatical about stuart's monthly missives
stuart is often described as a mystical man with a mysterious
stuart is on the focm council
stuart is a large lake on the stuart and dahlgren rivers
stuart is distinguished to have received one of the first licenses issued by the oshawa airport in 1945 (And I'm proud of it too sunny. Now, where did I leave my dentures?)
stuart is a graduate of western kentucky university
stuart is a feature writer for several national publications
stuart is at his loneliest
stuart is ee (EE=Me. Try saying that 3 times fast)
stuart is at ease with the thought of death
stuart is now 70
stuart is a mouse who is part of the little family (I wondered when Stuart Little would pop up)
stuart is due
stuart is in his groove (Oh yea!!! *puts on disco clothes and starts dancing rubbishly)
stuart is ruled out for six months
stuart is dead release
stuart is the experienced
stuart is approximately 11
stuart is responsible for the overall
stuart is one of that few
stuart is a strong believer in helping to harness the power of the internet for fans and professionals
stuart is sympathetically voiced by michael j fox (See. I have friends in high places!)
stuart is an associate with waller lansden and practices in the areas of federal
stuart is the co (I'm the CO of what? I NEED TO KNOW!)
stuart is about two inches long (Not even gonna ask about this one)
stuart is promoted from deputy advertisement director following the appointment of carolyn mccall as managing director designate
stuart is perhaps the most tradition
stuart is a diminutive member of the little family
stuart is een pratende muis
stuart is chairman of stuart energy systems corporation and of stuart?s subsidiary the
stuart is mulling over the limitations of his identity
stuart is forced to make a new friend
stuart is a good role model for kids because he's ingenious and he never lets his differences stop him from doing anything (Thats right. Bow down to my greatness!)
stuart is a progressive town
stuart is a uniquely positioned community
stuart is off on another?and we hope last?adventure with the karlsons and their 10
stuart is small by intent and small by design—but through partnerships with several estimable institutions
stuart is "almost a local"
stuart is a research assistant for palatine
stuart is also featured as a tom sawyer (I'm an old book y'all!)
stuart is very well animated
stuart is beautiful (Finally! I'm getting some appreciation!)
stuart is also a master at telling stories about love
stuart is also trying to adjust to a new area