Caesara wrote:
rubberducky wrote:
Firstly, Xil is jealous.
Secondly, no sammich (how'd this guy become an editor?)
Thirdly, what is one trying to convey when they say 'contributions to the PPT community'? Like, a bakesale?
*gives dan a sammich* Sammichs are good. He became an editor because I said so (bribes aside)

Seriously, though, he's helped PI a lot.
Contributions? Mm. That would depend on your definition.. for PI, it means writing a lot of stuff and just being helpful, overall. And sticking around for more than a few months, usually.
A bakesale? That's rather hard to do over the internet.

Contributions to the PPT Community? simple! it's providing your input on things(keeping in mind if your input is just meant to anger someone, keep it to yourself), providing thought provoking conversation on whether Lindsay Lohan lip sync'd or not, debating your opinions in the debate board or just lounging around in Misc. Disc. and talking about stuff. The contirbution to a forum that any member makes is essentially, their views that help broaden the perspectives of others(assuming that it's not the debate board, hehe) and hopefully, working vice versa as well.

How else do you contirbute to a forum? Geez.
Ammer wrote:
I detect a hint of sibling rivalry.
we both agree that we need Dr. Phil.