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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:03 am 
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The Pope dyeing..well we don't know that he is for sure, but even if he does, the Pope is a person and people die end of story. The weather changing, that could just be the weather for you, or it could be part of global warming o_O . I don't think you have to worry about the end of the least not until 2012 when the Myan calendar suddenly comes to a halt :P


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:38 am 
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Okay, time for the conspirator to enter. I hear stories. A lotta stories. Some, I dismiss as absolute lie, others force me to sit and think. So I'll try and mention a few of the Apocalypse conspiracy things I've heard.

1. A prophet predicted that the Pope we have now will be one of the last, if not the last.

2. Google the word Freemason. They're not a secret society as such, and they do make their presence known. They were established some time in the 17th century, and were working to try and seperate Church from State. And obviously, we have the result today. Not to mention the fact that they seem to dismiss Christianity as a complete lie. Any Christian who joins the masons is automatically excommunicated. The problem with this group, is that nobody knows what goes on at the top. Nobody. I think that the Australian Prime Minister is a member of this society, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was as well. And even they aren't at the top of the ladder.
I know I must sound like I've played 'Metal Gear Solid 2' one too many times, but the Freemasons do exist, publicly. But the big honchos live in secret. Nobody knows who they are, what they do, what they plan.

3. The end of the world has been predicted many times, but all the major religions seem to pin the apocalypse to this age. I'm a Christian myself, so this post could be biased, I don't know, but I've said it already, many prophecies from most major faiths states that various things will happen in quick succession, and they're happening now. Some guy predicted the Trade Centre tradgedy about 1000 years before it happended.

4. Technology is on a massive upswing. I mean, we're zooming by tech-wise, compared to say 300 years ago. Now, it almost seems as if we are making progress merely for the sake of making progress, not for the betterment of mankind. I mean, why the heck would you want a TV on your fridge? This can't be all so great. The more progress we make, the less privacy we have, the more open we are to attack.

5. Any internet-savvy person, or conspirator, would have heard of John Titor. Whether it's true or not, no one can guarantee. I think that a lot of it is hoax, but the guy did bring up some interesting points. Just google the guy and read up about him. He claims to have travelled back in time and that civil war broke out in the USA in 2004/5. Then WWIII in 2015 I believe. Scary stuff. Worth a read though.

6. This is relating to point five. JT claimed that civil war broke out because the government was taking away too many of the peoples' freedom. This is already happenening due to the fear of terrorist attacks. He claimed that in 2005 it would reach such a state that civil war will break out. Maybe the dates are wrong, but freedoms are being taken way slowly. And it WILL reach a point in time when the people will have enough.

7. The biggest thing to look out for is the uniting of Middle-Eastern countires. That was what a prophet said would be one of the most noticable signs. A lot of prophets state that a lot of bad things will happen before the Apocalypse comes to pass.

I watched the Terminator series just a few days ago, and Bowling for Columbine, so excuse me if I'm being too apocalyptic. But the way I like to think of it, is that every person has an expiration date. Make the most out of what you have now, because your expiration date could be coming up. It's not the nicest outlook on life, but then, life isn't all roses and little bunny rabits. Bad things happen, and lately they're getting worse and worse.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:59 am 
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teh0mega wrote:
1. A prophet predicted that the Pope we have now will be one of the last, if not the last.

Which Prophet?

2. Google the word Freemason. They're not a secret society as such, and they do make their presence known. They were established some time in the 17th century, and were working to try and seperate Church from State. And obviously, we have the result today. Not to mention the fact that they seem to dismiss Christianity as a complete lie. Any Christian who joins the masons is automatically excommunicated. The problem with this group, is that nobody knows what goes on at the top. Nobody. I think that the Australian Prime Minister is a member of this society, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was as well. And even they aren't at the top of the ladder.

I don't think that this "secret society" living in existence is a sign that a world is going to end or an apocolypse is coming soon.

Some guy predicted the Trade Centre tradgedy about 1000 years before it happended.

Sorry. Fake.

4. Technology is on a massive upswing. I mean, we're zooming by tech-wise, compared to say 300 years ago. Now, it almost seems as if we are making progress merely for the sake of making progress, not for the betterment of mankind. I mean, why the heck would you want a TV on your fridge? This can't be all so great. The more progress we make, the less privacy we have, the more open we are to attack.

This is not a sign that will lead to the end of the world. It's just an assumption.

5. Any internet-savvy person, or conspirator, would have heard of John Titor. Whether it's true or not, no one can guarantee. I think that a lot of it is hoax, but the guy did bring up some interesting points. Just google the guy and read up about him. He claims to have travelled back in time and that civil war broke out in the USA in 2004/5. Then WWIII in 2015 I believe. Scary stuff. Worth a read though.

Most likely false as Nostradamus was proven to be.

6. This is relating to point five. JT claimed that civil war broke out because the government was taking away too many of the peoples' freedom. This is already happenening due to the fear of terrorist attacks. He claimed that in 2005 it would reach such a state that civil war will break out. Maybe the dates are wrong, but freedoms are being taken way slowly. And it WILL reach a point in time when the people will have enough.

Yes, that has happening for years. People have been rebelling for ages. America has had its share of rebels as well.

7. The biggest thing to look out for is the uniting of Middle-Eastern countires. That was what a prophet said would be one of the most noticable signs. A lot of prophets state that a lot of bad things will happen before the Apocalypse comes to pass.

What Prophet is this? If it's Nostradamus, he is hardly a Prophet.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:52 am 
Beyond Godly
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Erm, if you believe in Christianity and read the Bible, it says that no one can know when the world will end. The world won't end just because some old man is sick. :roll: However, the world may end just two hours later. You never know.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:08 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Qanda wrote:
Erm, if you believe in Christianity and read the Bible, it says that no one can know when the world will end. The world won't end just because some old man is sick. :roll: However, the world may end just two hours later. You never know.

Actually, it says it will never end. :)

EDIT: Wait, never mind, disregard this. I did research and now I'm confused.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:16 am 
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Oh, please. We all know the world will end once it starts raining frogs.


*looks out window*

Uh, oh . . .


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:24 am 
Beyond Godly
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Kitten Medli wrote:
Actually, it says it will never end. :)

Erm, wow, that's the first time I've heard that. Could you quote me the verse which says that? And in order to not turn this into a religious debate, you could reply me through PM. ;)

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:33 am 
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teh0mega wrote:
2. Google the word Freemason. They're not a secret society as such, and they do make their presence known. They were established some time in the 17th century, and were working to try and seperate Church from State. And obviously, we have the result today. Not to mention the fact that they seem to dismiss Christianity as a complete lie. Any Christian who joins the masons is automatically excommunicated. The problem with this group, is that nobody knows what goes on at the top. Nobody. I think that the Australian Prime Minister is a member of this society, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was as well. And even they aren't at the top of the ladder.
I know I must sound like I've played 'Metal Gear Solid 2' one too many times, but the Freemasons do exist, publicly. But the big honchos live in secret. Nobody knows who they are, what they do, what they plan.

Ok, time for someone who's been researching this kind of stuff for the last 15 years to pop in. Freemasonry exists in 2 sections - there is the public aspect, wherin you have the local lodges, see signs like "This Highway Adopted by Freemason lodge #XXX", and the public do-gooders such as the shriners (a sub-division of the masons, who do great things for burned children and ride tiny cars in parades). The only way to get in is to be sponsored (I considered) and you must belive in 1 god - your actual religion doesn't matter as long as you meet this requirement. They do good things for the community, and deserve a good bit of respect.

Then you have the secret society aspect, the part where the fraternity of power comes into play. The "old boy's club" if you will. Many of our founding fathers, including George Washington, were freemasons. These guys watch eachother's backs, and help eachother into positions of power. However, they are not nearly as dangerous as those who are also members of the Skull & Bones. And yes, both Bush I & II are members.

And don't even get me started on the Illuminati. 8)


On the Pope: He's a human being. He's old. He will die. And another one will replace him. There were 264 before him after all...

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:50 am 
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The world is coming to an end, but it doesn't necessarly mean it will be in the next 2 secs or 500 years. But if earth is still in the current orbit about the sun in aprx. 200,000-1,000,000 years a pair of black holes will collide over us. (The black holse keep changing pace) Like everything, the earth had a begining and will eventually have an end. Junt no one knows when that will be.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:07 am 
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I've yet to understand why people are so concerned with the world ending.
It's depressing.
Enjoy the life you've been given. Don't stress, and waste your life trying to prevent something that, when it happens, possibly because of something in space, (Example: Black Hole, Sun Exploding) is just going to happen.
For those who have gone into in-depth research about the apocalypse, please, stop. You're only going to hurt yourself.
Don't concern yourself with those matters. Live your life the best you can.
If you spend your life doing what you love, you wont worry about it ending. =)
Oh yeah, those false prophets are a hoot.
There have been hundreds or predictions on when the world will end.
Exactly...none...have come true. Pretty good record, wouldn't you agree?
Soothsayers, Nuclear Wars, and Interstellar Disasters can't stop me from my living my life to the fullest.
Once again, I urge you, just take a step back and stop stressing.
Hakuna Matata. ;)

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:11 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Hehehe...John Titor is back XD

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:42 am 
Beyond Godly
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Chao wrote:
I've yet to understand why people are so concerned with the world ending.
It's depressing.
Enjoy the life you've been given. Don't stress, and waste your life trying to prevent something that, when it happens, possibly because of something in space, (Example: Black Hole, Sun Exploding) is just going to happen.
For those who have gone into in-depth research about the apocalypse, please, stop. You're only going to hurt yourself.
Don't concern yourself with those matters. Live your life the best you can.
If you spend your life doing what you love, you wont worry about it ending. =)
Oh yeah, those false prophets are a hoot.
There have been hundreds or predictions on when the world will end.
Exactly...none...have come true. Pretty good record, wouldn't you agree?
Soothsayers, Nuclear Wars, and Interstellar Disasters can't stop me from my living my life to the fullest.
Once again, I urge you, just take a step back and stop stressing.
Hakuna Matata. ;)

Amen! Its not like the world will end anytime soon... right?

Anywho, the world doesnt revolve around one person, no matter of what status they are. I don't belive that just because the Pope is sick, the world will come to an end. The tsunami was just a coincidence, a rather unfortunate one of that fact. There are scientific reasons for that happening.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:03 am 
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watericesage wrote:
Its not like the world will end anytime soon... right?

Which is why people are so concerned about it. They don't know.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:39 am 
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It's highly likely that I'm being extremely paranoid. I believe a lot of things, and I don't believe a lot of things.

I believe that the world is not what it seems. Believing in only what you can see and hear is foolish.

I believe that over time, the political and economic world will collapse. Too much corruption building up (not saying the world wasn't already corrupted 1000 or ever 3000 years ago, but it's seems to be getting worse)

I also can't remember which prophet it was that made the prediction about the Pope. Maybe it was Nostradamus, but I don't think it was.. I was also websurfing one night for prophecies and stuff when I came across it... various times. There are even prophecies being made today, but people don't hear much about it, because as a civilization, we are much more skeptical about anything we hear, see or read about. And I admit, I didn't believe everything I read, but some of the things people had to say were interesting.

This is not a sign that will lead to the end of the world. It's just an assumption.

True, it is an assumption. But then, most views and beliefs are assumptions :P Anyway, what I meant to add was that as technology gets more powerful, so do weapons. There are many World Peace groups rallying together, and many people believe that they're actually making a difference. The only reason we have not had a big nuclear war as of yet is because the world is at a nuclear standoff. Every big nation with nukes and chem weapons is scared to fire them because they know that some other country will retaliate. But if one crazy leader jumps into office and gets ticked off, and decides to attack some country, we're all , simply put, stuffed. The world may not end, but enough people will die and the environment will be so badly affected, that it will almost be as if it had. Also in the Revelations, there are many references to 2/3 or 3/4 of the worlds population dying or something like that... Nuclear war perhaps?

Also, this doomsday deal... I reckon WWIII will be the doomsday. And think about it. There are probably weapons out there which the government is hiding. I mean, if you told someone that a bomb will exist that can destroy an entire city in one blow, before the Americans nuked Japan, most people would raise eyebrows. That's why I won't be surprised if few people believe that the government is on work (if not already complete) with a weapon that far surpasses the Nuke. Something much, worse.

But meh, the worlds gotta end one day. A lot of people are in denial of the fact that it may end in their lifetimes, or their childrens' lifetimes.

PS: Please excuse me if I made no sense in my post. I am rushing most of it because I'm about to watch a movie :P

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:47 am 
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Oh, who cares?!

As for the pope, by the way, there's not many finer positions in life to be in if you're about to hop it than the Pope.


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