Fiddelysquat wrote:
*shrieks like a 3rd grader at the first line*
BIG mistake to use "Ellen" when addressing her. Judging by your post, she's not your friend. She's your teacher. It's very rude to use first names with someone in a formal letter, which that most definetly is. ALWAYS use "Mrs." or "Miss"!
At my school, we call all the teachers by their first names, or nicknames

So many people are surprised by that. It's really funny though, because we have a new maths teacher, from England, and over there they used to call him 'Sir'. He told us to call him Mike, but it's hard getting a response sometimes 'cause he's not used to it. Example:
Lewanna: Mike?
Mike: *doesn't look up*
Lewanna: Mike!
Mike: *still doesn't look up*
Lewanna: Miiiiiikkkkeeeeeeeee!
Mike: *writing something*
Me: Try "Sir" and see if he answers...
Lewanna: Sir!
Mike: *looks up* Yes?
Me and Lewanna: *cracking up laughing*