VeraX wrote:
Thanks a lot you guys

I love the Judge Judy idea..
But I can hardly tell my parents. The diskman was a present from them for my 14th birthday, so it was only a few months old at the time. And they told me not to let anyone borrow it, because it was expensive. And I didn't really let her borrow it, she took it from my locker during class one day. I asked her to put it back, but when she said she wanted it for one class, I didn't see why not.
Had I told my parents at the time, it would have been fine. But I thought she was going to pay me so I could go buy another and they would never know. But its been a year since, so it's a little late to tell them, because they would wonder why I didn't tell them before.
So that throws out the whole parent idea.
Actually, it doesn't. You didn't give it to her, she took it from your locker without permission. You also said the she wanted it for a class, but in an earlier post you said that she didn't keep her word and used yours to death instead of hers. Therefore it's not your fault that she broke it, since she didn't have your permission to take and use it. If you mention that you want her to pay you back for it, and not them, they'll probably be less harsh on you (after all, their money's not going to pay for another one). Just tell them that you expected her to pay back for that and everything else of yours she took, and didn't find it much of an issue until she didn't pay up.
Also, did she show you the broken CD player, or prove it in some other way? If not, she probably still has it somewhere, and it probably works fine, in which case she's a petty thief that need a little retribution.

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...