Twinkle wrote:
I remember when we had a power cut at dancing once. That was amusing. The music went off, it went pitch black and we all had to sit in the corridor whilst the dance teachers husband went next door to the police station to fetch torches. The dance teachers passed around jelly sweets. So much fun!
We've had a few at dance.
There's a favourite story about one of them. When we're practicing for the recital, if you have a dance that finishes on stage, you hold your position until Miss Margaret says "blackout" and then get off as fast as you can. One time Sara, one of the dancers that just everyone knows of, when she was younger, got tired of waiting, and said blackout herself.
The power went out in the whole town.
More often, though, we had blackouts because it was an old building and the electric couldn't always keep up with music and air conditioners on all three floors, something would end up tripping something, putting us all in the dark. We'd just count out the music, usually, and keep dancing, as long as it wasn't too dark. (I was all for singing it, as we all knew the words, but Quenby didn't quite go for it.
