Divine wrote:
Caesara wrote:
My best advice would be to just ignore him. Don't reply to the emails, don't snark back in the hallways.. don't look at him, don't do anything. Walk away. Eventually it loses it's entertainment to the person in question, and they'll stop. It's going to take a while. It /will/ take a while. It could be months, it could be weeks, it could be days. If you continue to do it and continue to show him that you really do not care what he thinks of you, then he'll find someone else to pick on.
Yeah, but then you'd also have to endure months of bullying, and it might not even resolve.
If it doesn't resolve, you just keep ignoring it. Not everything in life gets better, ya know. I went through three solid years of people telling everyone else that I was gay and went in the bathrooms to kiss other girls. For a while they were even throwing rocks at us. But you have to keep your head high and go about your business. At least don't let them see they've got to you.
Of course, I guess that made me pretty dry and hard-hearted after a while....But no one bothers me anymore.
Divine wrote:
Caesara wrote:
I'd also advise against getting adults involved. In some situations, yes, it can help things, but I've learned from experience that it generally just makes the teasing worse.
I think that's generally a myth. If bullying doesn't stop, the situation can get much worse, and can even lead to suicide, etc.
No, it's perfectly true. Most of the time the adults say they'll handle it, but they never do anything. Case in point: 7th grade, where the boys were throwing rocks at us at recess. We went and told the principal, who said he'd take care of it and to come back if there were any more problems. There were, and I came in a day or so later because I had a bruise about the size of a walnut on my shoulder from where I'd been hit with another rock. He said that I shouldn't make things up to try to get people in trouble, and that he'd have to see the bruise and the rock as proof. I walked out in disgust, and later found out that he never did a damn thing about the boys in the first place. Finally my
parents complained, and he smoothed the whole thing over by saying that they were just trying to get our attention because we're attractive young ladies and men are stupid, etc.
As far as I know, the people throwing rocks at us never got so much as a warning, let alone the
suspensions they should have recieved (by school code) for physical harm and sexual harassment.
Eep, sorry for the rant. Anyway, it's generally not a good idea to place your trust in administrators.

Just don't take it seriously. Who cares what these people think? Don't let them get in your way.