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Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:11 pm

Paul wrote:
smudgeoffudge wrote:Yes, I have heard of quarentine. I just think it is scarey to imagine being quarentined away for life. I mean, that would be like being a prisonor. But I guess that is the best anyone can hope for if they have a highly contagious disease. And also I have seen movies where people are basically a prisonor in their own town because maybe a few of the population have a disease. But then they want to leave to escape but are forced to stay in the area at gunpoint. And I don't know of that ever really happening but if there was an outbreak of something I imagine it could happen.

You'd only be in quarantine until they found a cure, unless you died because of the illness. But you probably wouldn't stay in quarantine until you were elderly.

Bird flu passes after a couple of weeks - there'd be no need to quarantine you for life.

Of course, the fatality rate is about 50%. So your quarantine MIGHT be for life, but at the same time only for a little while.

Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:13 pm

Tested wrote:While I disagree with random cruelty to animals, people are more important than animals. If the only way to stop a population from becoming diseased is to kill a few birds who are infected, then do it!
Get the diseased birds out of their misery, and
kill two birds with one stone.

....sorry, I just had to say that.

Human Beings are more important than animals? That's a laugh. They outnumber us vastly, and we're the ones that are destroying this planet, but that's not the issue.

If I knew a bird was infected, yes I would kill it. I would also kill any birds that came into contact with it, or that I think came into contact with it. If someone was infected, I don't know what I would do, but if I knew they were terminally ill and the person requested it, I would euphanise them. It would free up bed space and save money. It would also allow for the quick disposal of the body before they could infect others, instead of them being around for a few days infecting more people. But I would only do it if I had the person's consent.

Anyway, what are we talking about this for? Everyone know's we're all gonna die in a nuclear war.

Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:22 pm

This topic is likely better off in The Debate Group rather than Misc chat. I suggest you bring the topic there.
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