Thanks for the suggestions, people.
Hmmm... the bananas thing sounds interesting, with the hole being I don't like bananas (fruit of the devil, methinks), but, I hope it helps someone.
I might try the peppermint advice, sounds like a good way to make myself feel at ease. Even though I don't like mints, I'd be happy to eat them in this situation (now I sound fussy xD).
Today, while people were doing their speechs, I was cosidering how I would get into role of the characters and deliver it. How does it work, in what ways does it help? By getting into the role of the character, what am I aiming to do in the mindset of the character? To speak like the character?
And as to acting it out, for the speech, it didn't seem appropriate, but I will take it into consideration for other presentations that it may seem appropriate.
It comforts me to realise I'm not the only one who feels difficulty in performing. I've always had this problem, really, so I've been trying to keep myself positive and telling myself I can do it, but human nature defeated me. I'm quite shy in general, and, as I practised with my friends, I felt no problems, because I'm comfortable with them. Telling myself, as if I was just reciting it to a group of people, as normal, would do nothing, and not as a marked piece of work, but, nature again triumphed. The mirror sounds like a good idea.
So, thanks people, I really appreciate the feedback, and others encountering the problem can try to seek some support too.
(and Maths, yay! I got in the local paper today for some Maths thing. Hehe, I need a little ego boost.)

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