Don't eat the beans at Taco Bell! There's really nothing wrong with them, other than the fact that they get really dried out when they sit for awhile, so we had to rehydrate them with hot water.
..and DO NOT go a Taco Bell drivethru within an hour of closing. All the food is taken off of the heaters/coolers. All of the food is ready to be put back in the walk-in, so it's all bagged or in tubs and everything is clean and they just want to leave, so they hate your life.
There was really nothing wrong with Subway.. hmm..
When you go to an ice cream place, don't order a shake or an egg cream. And don't go at all within an hour of closing.
Most Farmer's Markets don't wash their fruit ever, and it constantly rolls off the pile and hits the floor. We never threw out those pieces of fruit, so make sure you wash everything really well.
Annnd last but not least, adopt a pet from your local SPCA. All of the animals get vaccinated, and even though they may not be puppies or kittens, all of them need a good home to go to. And the majority of animals in there are very sweet.
*phew* That was every job I've ever had.