Callie wrote:
DON'T POUR HOT WATER ON YOUR WINDSHIELD IF THERE IS ICE ON IT. we were informed by mechanic family members it can crack the windshield. I think hose water works,unless like ours was one's frozen too. I've heard credit cards work too.
it's true, tap water is the best, coz otherwise you can get heat shock in the glass. you can test it if you like, but putting a glasss in the freezer, and when it's frozen put it under a hot tap.... actually DONT, that'd be REALLY dangerous!! i know i've done it in mistake in chemistry before tho...
Starchaser wrote:
Actually, these tips should be useful for me though - I'm going on a school trip to England/Ireland/Scotland in February, and am most likely going to freeze to death, heh.
it won't snow, it'll be cold, rainy and windy, i hate the wind

ok, i'm well experienced at cold, as the lecture theatres aren't heated v well, so it's sooooooo cold in lectures in winter, particuarly coz you're sat still so not generating any of your own heat.
the best thing is layers, i've even started already... vest, tshirt, jumper, hoodie/jacket and it's only autumn. come winter add a coat over the top, and a few more layers in between.
knee high socks are brilliant, as they keep your feet and lower legs warm. what's even better, is if you have some knee high toe-socks, they're not all that good at keeping you warm, but if you put a regular pair of socks over the top, they're soooo warm!!!
Avoid puddles, being wet is the worst.
And wear hats, the amount of difference a hat makes is amazing.
Fleecy dressing gowns!!! Since we've just moved into a house, we're discovering how much gas/electric is, and we've become the dressing gown possie, it makes sooo much of a difference, just put it on over your clothes round the house and you'll notice a big difference
i cant think of anymore right now....