Medusa wrote:
Christopher wrote:
Medusa wrote:
Anyways, hope you enjoy the ceremony!
I heard it involves being injected with XXXX and getting your own pet kanagroo...
Nah, you get half your brain removed and you sometimes get your own pet Australian native plant too

Its all good.
Haha nothing like that
(I just got back from down south so sorry I took aaages to reply)
WE just had to go up and get some fancy certificate ina frame (Which I shall hang in my toilet), but there were these really weird australian animal models around the room, kinda weird.
But the food was cool

I ate, after I became australian, 14 profriteroles, 6 Asparagus and Cream CHese Sandwiches and 8 rice ball things

(not really very australian food though eh?)
Well atleast, as autechre put it, I can now annoy all the australian consulates (sp?)