I suggest a norwegian elkhound.
They're amazing dogs. They're incredibly smart, very athletic, very curious.
They shed twice a year, over a period of two weeks, otherwise, not that much. A quick brush now and then, the birds will love you (the birds here stuff their nests with dog fur. heh... ew.)
Oh and they're one of the oldest breeds in teh world. I'd own another in a heart beat.
They like to bark. If you can't handle a dog that guards your house by barking, don't get one. Do yourself a favor and just go on by.
I suggest a book called "Paws to Consider". It lists all the good and all the bad about dogs. Including health issues (Who knew that Collies have a problem called "Collie Nose Problem" that amsued me). This book lists health and personality quirks you can expect from most breeds of dogs. The people who wrote it show and train dogs, and they really do know what they're talking about.
Most dog books gloss over the problems that many breeds have.
Like how Elkhounds bark.
You should be able to find it on Amazon.
If you're serious about finding a new breed of dog, go to a few dog shows if you can, and talk to some breeders. GOOD breeders will be concerned about where their dogs are going, so they'll most likely be more then happy to answer any questions about health problems the dog may have.
I know my dogs came with a two year warantee on hip dysplasia (since I own shepherds).
A BIG suggestion if you're going to buy a dog, meet the parents if you can. Or at least the mother. Often the puppies will be very much like their mother.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.