Matt wrote:
Doing what you believe is right makes you an idiot?
Killing people makes you an idiot. Saying your religion tells you to when it does not makes you an idiot. Trying to justify you killing people makes you an idiot.
People believe all kinds of horrible things with a passion, Hitler believed passionately in killing jewish people, people who commit genocide believe passionately in what they are doing, paedophiles believe passionately that they can't help themselves yet don't ask to be locked up, many men around the world believe passionately they have the right to abuse their wives as their property.
Believing in something doesn't excuse anything.
And why is it so important to "admit" they believe in it? I don't think anyone doubts someone has to believe in what they are doing to blow themselves up. Whether or not they believe in it is neither here nor there, they are murderers, mass murderer at that and their "reasons" are false. It is not in their religion to kill people.
You've just pretty much called tonnes of people 'idiots', including the population of all the world armies, Moses, Jesus, Rama and others. I think you're being a tad childish throwing the word 'idiot' around like that. Plus, you are calling what paedophiles believe in horrible, which is incredibly discriminatory.