Woah, chill out a bit Iashi. No reason to start getting rough and jumping at people's necks.
And what, exactly, do you think an argument is?
An arguement is two or more individuals or groups debating over a certain subject. And yes, it is pretty much an "I'm right, you're wrong" type of thing, but what you're doing is refusing to belive a single thing anyone else has to say. Even in an official Presidential debate, they agree on certain subjects! As much as anyone would love to think it, they're not always 100% right.
Ah, I have heard of this common sense. It sounds awesome! Basically you can say whatever you want about whatever you want and you don't have to back it up because, hey! It's common sense!
Yeah, it's awesome! /sarcasm
Think about it, honestly. Why do you look both ways before crossing the road. You can go on explaining it for hours, but in the end it all boils down to COMMON SENSE! Jeez. Some things you can just predict, just by looking and thinking about them. You're not always right, but sometimes you are. I look at the sky, and there are a lot of dark grey clouds. My common sense prediction: "It will most likely rain." I base this on no scientific fact, just common sense. And if I'm wrong, then sue me.
And somehow you get the magic number of "100" out of this? ]
Where in my statement does it mention 100. I mention it elsewhere as a POSSIBILITY (read that word carefully), but not in that paragraph. Read it again if you wish:
But you know what the truth is? Humanity works in a very strange way. We abuse and destory something, up until the point where it is nearly gone, and only then do we take care of it. Rhinos for example were hunted because they were pests to African farmers. Now, killing a rhino earns you a whopping great fine. The environment works the same way. Humanity will mine, use and cut down the environment up until it becomes a real danger to continue doing so. Then, we will stop, assess the situation, leave that part of the environment alone, and find something new to abuse and destroy until it is nearly gone.
Nope, don't see 100 anywhere in there.
Fuel cells are already availiable. They just aren't widely used because oil is cheaper.
Well of course they're available! But thats what I meant. When they become available (and by that I mean to the mass public, not just some rich overzealous yazoo).
If the world is a "bad, bad place"? Compared to what?
Compared to how it was about 500 years ago. I know, there were more diseases, more deaths, shorter lifespan, but the environment didn't take such a beating back then. I agree that human life is more important than the environment. But when you destroy everything, how is it possibly a good thing? There is pollution everywhere, and Africa has dubbed the plastic bag as their national flag! But according to you, everything is good and well, nothing to see here.

The world is bad, and steadily getting worse. And within APPROXIMATELY 100 years, it will become very bad unless we do something about it
Please note that when I mention 100, it is just an approximation, a guess. I could very well be wrong. Just like those people that predicted that we would have Moon Olympics by the year 2010 (seriously)[/quote]