I think the ringing thing is to do with something in your ear.
I THINK I have several...
- dreaming yo; dreaming of an event, happening and stuff
- deja vu (is that even a power?)
- the thing about when you think in your head what the person is going to say next
- the chi thing. I actually "trained" to have that because I play TaiChi (it's not a sport for old people!) and you're supposed to feel stuff/chi reaching to every part of your body, especially your palm and fingertips.
- This is purely coincidence and the TV was broken, but when the tv was on and every time I walk pass it, it either switches off or the flicks. I find that amusing since that period I kept walked pass the tv when my brother was watching it
- I'm not sure if any of you have this sort of feeling, but you can actually FEEL if this person likes you or not
- my eyebrow (either left or right) twitches to tell me whether something good or bad is going to happen. Left for good and right for bad. There is nothing to back this up, but it works for me so hey, I'm fine. The problem is that it doesn't tell me WHAT happens
- sometimes I dream the exact same dream twice or more *shudders at the thought of the gorrilla chasing me dream*
- dreaming of someone who's dead who is related to me, like my grandmother. She visited me one night, scared me to bits the next morning
- does computer software liking me counts? First the school laptop refuse to work for my friend and when I restarted it, it worked XD Next is my friend's msn, it would only let him talk to me and messes up with other people

I find that incredibly amusing
- a feeling that is pulling me back from doing something, hinting that I probably would regret it after I do it. (and I never listen to myself for this one and always do things I regret XD)
And I'm not sure if there are more.