Easter = Candy =

At the moment I am eating Saris's Peanut Butter Meltaway's. YUM!
fzun wrote:
Anyone wanna explain to me what Easter actually is? All I know is everyone gets candy and eggs and something about the Easter bunny
Easter is actually the day in the christian (or catholic? I'm both, so I forget which) religion where Jesus was resurrected. That was the whole point of Easter originally and religiously.
And now, just like Christmas and Santa Clause, they've given Easter the Easter Bunny.

It's sort of just like a mini Christmas, with a bit of Halloween mixed in. On Easter, most kids get an Easter basket filled with little gifts. There's also a lot of chocolate candy, many which are things only sold around easter. (Like chocolate eggs, and certain Peeps, and whatnot.)
The reason for the eggs and the bunny actually come from the integration of the Pagan holiday Ostara which is the solstice (Easter always falls the first Sunday after the first full moon after the solstice). They are symbols of fertility for us...I'm not quite sure WHY they've become a part of Easter though rofl