Sort the truth from the fiction. Fortunately, the last is quite true. Sorry to all of you who were foolish enough to think it a story.
I broke my arm when crawling. Yes, I'm serious. Worse? It's because I
slipped. I slipped when crawling.
I can't stand most slow music. Unless it's a piece of music without any vocals, such as one of the LotR soundtracks or something by Beethoven, absolutely not. I can rarely ever even find a slow piece of music that I like. My music preference is really, really upbeat stuff that you can dance to. Or just jump up and down to.
I suck at Nethack, but I like it anyway. Well, I like the Mac version that doesn't have any symbols as things, just pictures. I'm not very good at remembering that @ stands for something other than 'at', or whatever.
My skin is green, due to a one-of-a-kind skin disorder I was born with. It's horrible being the only green-skinned girl in the world. Only green-skinned person, for that matter.
I. Hate. Mary Sues. This may be common knowledge, but some people out there don't know of my hatred, and so must be informed. Mary Sues, if you don't already know, are either perfect or cliché characters. If your character is beautiful, thin, powerful and can weild, or even lift, a sword that's taller than her without having her body snap in half, she's a Mary Sue. Look. Perfect characters aren't interesting. They're excruciatingly boring, and they make many intelligent people want to pop their eyeballs out with sporks. I don't
care if orlibloomluvr89203 told you that your character is "omg so grait i luv hr rite mor plez lol adn mayk her daet draco/harry/legolas/some hot guy". If one can't bother to give you constructive criticism (without using chatspeak), you should really wait until someone else does before letting your ego expand rapidly.
Oh, and hey, when that person told you your writing sucked? You shouldn't have said these three things: "Don't like it, don't read it." ; "You're just jealous." ; "You're not a writer, don't criticize me!"
First off, if one doesn't read your writing, how would one know if they liked it or not? Don't be an idiot.
Second, they're not jealous. Trust me. And answer this: when your parents criticize you, do you accuse
them of being jealous? I don't really think they envy how well you drool over celebrities twice your age.
Lastly. Just because someone doesn't have any published work, or even any writing work at all, doesn't mean they don't know if they think something's horrible or not. Hey, you're not a published writer, so you must think that "omgzlolteywurhawtadnniluv" is a brilliant piece of writing!
I think it's really rather stupid how everyone seems to think that just because they differ in opinion with another person, they can't be friends, or even be polite to/with said person. I don't really care if you support various political issues or not.
(Well, unless you think that the HP books are Satanic, and that people will actually run around trying to Avada Kedavra each other after reading them. Honestly, people. Just because one kid did something wrong or whatever, doesn't mean everyone's going to try to levitate houses or something. Pfft. It's always the bad ones who receive the most attention.)
I'm opinionated like whoa. DUH.
I wanna learn Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, Latin, German, Greek and Boytalk (how on earth does 'in a sec' translate to 'in seven hours', anyway?). And loads of other dead languages (I mean like Latin. Spanish isn't dead.).
I don't really know how to say this, but I'm not actually thirteen. I'm thirty-four, and my name is Pansy Parkinson. I have a son named Theodore, and triplets on the way. I've also been a witch my entire life. My parents are magical, as well- well, they're dead, so they were magical. My family has been practising magic since... Well, forever, actually. We're the oldest Welsh wizarding family. (No, I'm not an American, either.)
And for those of you who know who I am, well... Being a celebrity is quite hard. I have to be kind and polite in public, for one. What, did you think Pansy Parkinson would actually be like this all the time? No, she isn't.
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a
