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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:36 pm 
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Lillie, you really should insist on those vaccinations.

Some people can have strong reactions to the vaccine, as it does contain a lesser strain of the illness, but you get over it and you're immune now. My brother reacts in the same way, any vaccination and he's out for a couple of days with a fever/sickness/whatever.

You really need them, sweets. If you don't, and you get the sickness, you'll be far iller than you would from having the jab :(


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:06 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Igg's right Lillie. It's really dangerous going wthout. We don't like it when you're ill but we wouldn't like it even more if you died.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:36 pm 
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Twinkle wrote:
Igg wrote:
not an illness but period pains that induced vomiting and left me crawling home vomiting periodically. Nice.

Uhh.... okay. Me too in that case. :oops:

Same here.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:24 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I don't really get ill very often. I do get upset stomach a lot and then call it being ill, but I don't think I've been bed-ridden ill but a few times.

Once it 5th grade (I believe) I was ill and I couldn't stand up, and could barely move or talk. There was another time, but it was just motion sickness, but let me tell you... it was some degree of awful. x_x

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:58 am 
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Currently I'm battling my poor health more than vaccinations, and I don't fancy another trip to the hospital! :lol:

Don't worry, Igg and CD. I'm well aware that I need vaccinations and I promise I will -- eventually -- get them. I'm waiting for a more convenient time to go into the hospital, just in case I react badly again. I also don't have my vaccination records. The only doctor I know who might have my record last claimed my post-operation migraines were psychologically induced. *snorts* Psychologically induced my foot; as if I would want that. Fat chance I'll be going to see him again anytime soon.

I'll probably take things into my own hands when I'm legally an adult, so don't fret. :)


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:11 am 
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I don't know. I can't think of anything worse than the flu. Well...I was sick for a week once with what we thought was strep throat (but it wasn't). But even though the flu lasted a lot shorter than that, I think it was worse. I couldn't stand up without getting dizzy, and I threw up and turned white and lost the feeling in my :roll:

I had the chicken pox when I was something like toddler-age, but I can't remember it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:11 am 
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I rarely get sick, my mother says I have a really good immune system. The worst I can think of is just stomach cramps when I was little, I used to get them really bad and had to get rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. Yet that wasn't even an illness, it was just something weird, like a virus or something.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:19 pm 
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Pokemon Kid wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
Igg wrote:
not an illness but period pains that induced vomiting and left me crawling home vomiting periodically. Nice.

Uhh.... okay. Me too in that case. :oops:

Same here.

:roflol: Do you have ANY idea what your talking about, Pokemon Kid?! Your a guy, aren't you?!


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:12 am 
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When I was 17 I woke up one morning and was in so much pain I couldn't breathe, scream, MOVE or talk. My mom didn't even know I was in pain until she came to my room asking why I hadn't left for school yet. (She was working late that day, she's usually GONE by the time I left for school)

After almost an hour of calling health lines, they take me to the hospital, take ultrasounds, x-rays, poke me, make me induce vomiting and then a few hours later, figure out I have GALLSTONES going through my intestines.

I had to get emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder, that night.

(I think I win, although Kyra's 73 days of female..stuff...definitely sounds horrid)

I've also had meningitis, mono, strep (twice) adult ear infections, pneumonia..etc..etc. I'm an unlucky cat.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:34 am 
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"Stomach Virus". Had to go to the doc to get injection. Wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 6 hours. so I spent the 6 hours in bed, sleeping.

Then it was this bad case of flu. Had a slight sore throat and headache, got worse after my cold ICT lesson and I still don't like my econ teacher going, "well we don't have a nurse now, do we?" when I asked to go to see the nurse and had *no* idea there wasn't a nurse. What? You expect me to keep track of where the nurse goes? No way. So then I went home after getting the reception lady to call my dad. At that time I think i had a fever and a really sore throat. And then I vomitted (ew) and just plopped down on my bed when I got home. Then went to the doc.

And the cough lasted for over a month, the doc recommended me to get my lungs x-rayed. Changed types of meds during that month, western to chinese to western again. -___-

memories of yesterday; because you've left me at the beginning

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:29 am 
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This was the worst illness I've ever had. It all started about a month ago. I kept feeling sick and tired all the time. I presume it was the virus in my system. Then, on Friday night I had a sore throat. Even water was making it sore.

Saturday morning my nose was blocked and my throat had gotten worse. I was also aching all over. I had a splitting headache all day and no tablet would work on it. When I got back home I slept with my mom in her bed for a bit. My nose was really sore now because I had wiped it so many times and all the skin was peeling off it and it was red raw.

On Sunday I awoken to find myself in a pool of snot; it had dribbled down my nose and everything. I tried to sniff. Couldn't. It was too painful to wipe my nose so instead I just held a tissue over my nose to try and dry it up. Still had the headache and I started coughing which made it worse.

On Monday my chest felt really sore and I now had a chest infection to go with everything else. Great. My eyes were streaming, my nose was streaming, I was coughing, my chest was really sore, I had a headache and I felt really tired and achy. And I had been to work too but my mind wasn't on the job and I kept doing things wrong.

On Tuesday the chest infection got worse and I was coughing up phlegm and everything. I also started to feel incredibly sick. I thought I was going to throw up so I ran into the bathroom but coughed up a load of phlegm. Honestly, I had never seen anything like it in my life. The thought of all that gunk in my chest was enough to make me throw up anyway. I gagged a few times but then I felt a bit better. I was still coughing and everything and still had all the symptoms. Also, I kept feeling incredibly dizzy when I stood up. And it made my head feel like it was going to explode.

Also, every day my body temp was sky high. My mom said when she thouched me it burned her. Not literally, but you know what I mean ;) Thing is though, the illness kept progressing as each day went on. Saturday I was feeling groggy, on Sunday I felt worse, on Monday I felt even worse and on Tuesday I thought I was going to die I felt that bad. and then, on Tuesday night at around 8:30pm it cleared up really fast. For the past few days all I've had is the sniffles with no real blockage in my nose and a cough. And I have never been so relieved.

Beachams all in one medicine was a real help. Tasted fowl though. But it made things a lot better for me. And all the other tablets I had too. If I didn't have them I might still be ill. I'm not sure if it was the flu or not because I thoughtt flu lasted a lot longer than that. Like I said, I'm still under the weather but it feels like the bug itself has gone; it's just left me with all the congestion and stuff.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:59 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Pokemon Kid wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
Igg wrote:
not an illness but period pains that induced vomiting and left me crawling home vomiting periodically. Nice.

Uhh.... okay. Me too in that case. :oops:

Same here.



Orange juice, meet keyboard.

PK, I'd advise you to know what you're talking about before you claim you suffered it.

Igg, for the record? I've never gotten period pains ;)

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:45 pm 
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Istanbullfrog wrote:
I think I win

Sounds nasty, how long did you have it for? I was sick from Glandular Fever (I think thats what you yanks call mono) for 10 weeks.

10 weeks of no school.

I didn't eat solids for 2 weeks, I lost 20kgs in about 10 days.. lost all my body fat then all my muscles from not being able to do anything. That was baaadd... I was completed pale white when I got out of that. I watched practically every movie at blockbusters ;)

So yeh, that wasn't very fun...

Oh this could be worse, me and rachel got salmonella (sp?) while on a canal holiday, we had to be quarentined at hospital! That wasn't too bad though, i didnt' have to be on a drip tthen.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:45 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Alex wrote:
Pokemon Kid wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
Igg wrote:
not an illness but period pains that induced vomiting and left me crawling home vomiting periodically. Nice.

Uhh.... okay. Me too in that case. :oops:

Same here.



Orange juice, meet keyboard.

PK, I'd advise you to know what you're talking about before you claim you suffered it.

:lol: I though that was hilarious when I seen it too... But I decided not to say anything.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:15 pm 
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Alex, you are a most despisable wench.


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