Jasujo wrote:
I'm a bit annoyed at some of the posts in this thread. I do not know if this has been happening in other National holiday threads, but I'd appreciate it if it didn't happen in mine. If this is not your holiday and/or you choose not to celebrate or if you do not choose to say something nice, please keep it to yourself.
I am an American and proud of it. This a holiday to celebrate our country with our families. Do not put down my country's holiday because you do not celebrate it. Thank you.
I agree...if we don't insult your holiday or country, why our you all insulting ours? It just bothers me...especially since some of these American stereotypes still exist. Sure, we're not the perfect country, but what country is?
[/end patriotism]
"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."