Bno wrote:
Have fun in France

jellyoflight wrote:
Day Six
Go home.
Always a great day!!
Well, I'm back! We went past the Louvre at night when it was all lit up, if that's any consolating, Inrun

I got a photo of the big glass triangle all prettyful!
The food was veryvery icky. Well, the stuff at the hotel was. All we ate was unhealthy junk (and badly cooked unhealthy junk at that!). The teachers got a 3-COURSE MEAL. On the first night, what many of us ate was 3 chicken nuggets and a spoonful of rice. It was just too disgusting to eat more O.o Then on the next night, all I ate was chips; I was going to eat one of the burgers, but Shell's burger was bright red inside and they all kept falling apart. Blegh. The next night we ate at a restaurant thing though

I was looking forward to that, but yet again, all we had was burgers and chips. We were like, dude, we do actually eat stuff other than junk food. @_@;; The next two nights were great though

Wednesday night, we had pancakes from this family-run restaurant with a rotating toilet. They were -gorgeous-. Then the last night the hotel scrouged up an ok meal

Chicken and these potatos mixed with butter and cheese. Yum

Breakfast was great. Despite the fact that the pain au chocolat had hardly any CHOCOLATE in it. So we just put some Nutella inside it.
The actual visits were great though! =) Well, apart from the 2nd World War museum. That just got really boring. The Stade de France was fantastic

Mostly because U2 had performed there a couple of nights before. WE STOOD WHERE U2 HAD BEEN ALL SWEATY BEFORE THEY PERFORMED :3 Nobody else shared my jubilation though
The Eiffel Tower was just plain AWESOME :3 I loved every minute of it! I knew I'd regret it if I didn't go to the top, and I'm so glad I did! I wasn't scared at all. I just went really hyper and started laughing O.o;;
The waterpark was also nifty, despite the fact that the water slides gave you massive wedgies
Theme Park...well, we spent more time QUEING than we did on the rides! I got a hillarious photo of me on a water ride with a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE drop.
I never want to hear 'Is This The Way to Amarillo' again. Ever.
Every single morning, after breakfast, we would go on the coach. AND THEY WOULD PUT ON AMARILLO. *cradles ears* ;_;
Err...yeah, that's mostly it

When the photos are developed, I'll post them heyarrr!
Until then...mangez des puddings très savoureux.