Sapphire Faerie wrote:
Well, if all goes well, just in time for Halloween my hair will have had a total transformation for the better. I'll probably do what I did last year, and just dress up in my fancy goth clothes.
Alternately, if I can, I may try to buy a couple of items to complete the ensamble for a sort of different angel costume. I already have most of the right stuff in my wardrobe, I'd just need the wings, and the proper socks (seriously)..
Like 4 years ago for halloween I was an angel, but I wore all black, and my wings were black and my halo was gold -_- lol, but whatever. Anyways my moms friend made my wings because well.... Where can you buy black wings? No where that I know. Eh, I can tell you how to make them if I can figure it out.
I think what she did was took two clothes hangers and left them in their triangular shape maybe bent them a little to give them a less stiff look Im not sure seeing as I dont know where they are at the moment. and then she either held them together by unbending the hooks and twisting them together around the top point of the triangles. (Im guessing she most likely used some kind of tool to do this..) So that they formed something similiar to #4 in this handy dandy diagram I have provided. All the thick black lumpy lines where the 2 hangers touch are where I twisted the hooks around the hangers to hold them together.
And then Im guessing she took black pantyhose and stretched them over the 2 hangers so that they were black. She may have use 2 pairs because they were pretty dark? OR she may have used something else of a similar material. But it was definately the material of black leggings. And then I just pinned the center to my back with a safteypin or 2 and i was good to go

Or you could just forgo my entire flawed system and just buy some, but I must say they were very cute.