.neko. wrote:
Justice Man Yukio wrote:
I don't believe it... is anyone here gonna go watch it? it just ... seems to silly to me... snakes on a plane... the heck? I can't take that seriously... no way...
QUE TRAILOR: "Everyone has fears.... some people have a fear of heights *que swooshing sound and an epic pan of a grand canon*... some people have a fear or snakes.... some people have a fear of planes... *que some epic scary music that makes you think the movie will be good*... what if... you had a fear of planes... and snakes!!! DA DA DAAAAA!!!
Well actually Yukio from what I've gathered it isnt supposed to be a serious movie. Derek saw it and said it was funny.
Everyone knows by now it's completely camp. This movie was never meant to be taken seriously, and it was a cult classic before it came out solely because of the title.
For anyone who watches tihs movie, did you notice that the snakes never bit people in normal places? That one guy was bitten in the [male reproductive organ] while on the toilet, and a woman was bitten in the [female baby feeding organ] by another one.