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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:07 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Setekh, I've always considered your method an option, but I've never been bullied far enough to be forced to use it. The other problem is that one person is easy to handle, but stupid people always come in large groups and when that person starts moaning to his friends, the retaliation is always worse.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:06 am 
Beyond Godly
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Anoohilator wrote:
Setekh, I've always considered your method an option, but I've never been bullied far enough to be forced to use it. The other problem is that one person is easy to handle, but stupid people always come in large groups and when that person starts moaning to his friends, the retaliation is always worse.

No, I admit it is a Last resort, and not one to be taken lightly.
Pretty much the Nuclear assault of the bullying world.
It's called a M.A.D tactic for a reason you see.

Oh, and my actions come from experience, so if I'm immature for not putting up with the things that I have been put through, then I'm an immature smurf. Moreso than usual I mean.
And it's adult Angst K Thx.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:08 am 
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Hmmm, I think I agree with everyone else on the laugh it off part of it.

I've never had to suffer much bullying simply because of that, when I was waaaay young, like K-6 school wise I suffered a little bit of bullying. And I was too much like o_O what did I do to deserve this to really let it get to me.

And now I realise that that's just it! I didn't deserved to get bullied. And no-one else does either.

A few weeks ago, one afternoon, I had an experience that could almost be defined as bullying. The afternoon before I'd just been to the hairdresser and got my hair dyed bright red in patches (and I love red as a hair colour, its just gorgeous) and I'm a bit of an outrageous person so I asked them to make it all stick up in a funky almost '80s hair-do (which I thought looked awesome).

The product stayed in overnight, so my hair was still like that when I went to school the next morning. I was complemented on my hair colour by people I know, and didn't know, all day. Everyone acknowledged that it was cool and unique.

Then, that afternoon, I went to the busstop at Oakhill College. Now, I go to a selective school, and Oakhill is an all boys school with a... less-than-academic-reputation if you get what I mean (i.e. they're all stupid jerks). I catch a bus from school to Oakhill, then from Oakhill to home. And so when I got onto my second bus (from Oakhill) with my friend and my brother, these Oakhill guys (who looked like they were one grade younger than me or the same grade) sat all behind me and my friend in a row.

So one of them, after urging by his friend, asks me, "Did you lose a fight with a lawnmower?" talking about my hair (not very inventive ey?). And, rather than getting all insulted, I was like... "Er... No..." (thinking to myself that these guys (who were all ugly in my opinion) weren't ones to talk about bad hair styles). And they all had a good ol' chuckle, and listened to my friend and my conversation about a sleepover we were planning at the time, and just laughed at us in general.

Now, the whole point of my entirely too long, long winded, not very dramatic story. Was that the people who are so low and stupid, and don't have anything better to do than insult and bully people, really aren't worth your time!

I guess it comes from having a family that likes teasing each other in fun, and two younger siblings that love starting fights and teasing each other and me. But I just shrug or laugh all this stuff off. If anyone tries to seriously pull anything, or touch me, hurt me, etc, then they'll get a few broken ribs I'm sure. But for morons and losers like those Oakhill guys, they just need to be laughed at or ignored. Letting them get to you doesn't help anything.

So just, Ginger, keep telling yourself you're better than them. Cause you are. You're a wonderful intelligent person. And you don't deserve any of that crap. So stop taking it! You have to learn to be strong. Take some self-defense courses, practice your you're-a-stupid-asshole glare, walk with friends who can help you laugh those silly people off.

You don't deserve any bullying or insults, and you shouldn't stand for it!



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:12 am 
Beyond Godly
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To clarify.

I'm in a bit of an angsty mood right now for reasons I cannot go into.
I'm sorry for being such a pratt today, and I would like to apologise.

However, sometimes the only thing you can do is fight back.
Whoever said "ignore them and they'll go away" was never bullied badly.
both of my siblings were bullied and they fought back.
I did not.
Care to guess which one of the three of us is stuck at home, afraid to get a job and wishing he had the courage?

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:58 am 
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halfbakedbliss wrote:
Zega wrote:
Dragonfire wrote:
Igg wrote:
Josephine wrote:
You can just smell the teenage angst.

There's almost a song in that...

Just the word 'angst' is a bit off...we need something more positive...

Hmm... like spirit? :P (If that's the song you were talking about)

Jasujo, redheads in the UK have been known to be bullied about their hair color, not sure why...

And it started for the kids in the US [including me] because of that South Park episode.

That episode was terrifying.

That episode was HILARIOUS!!! It's on Youtube, if you want to watch it.

Gingervitus... ROFL


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Last edited by theonlysaneone on Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:01 am 
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Hmm... South Park... Now I remember why I don't watch that show, aside from the fact that I used to not have cable. <_<


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:03 am 
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Setekh wrote:
To clarify.

I'm in a bit of an angsty mood right now for reasons I cannot go into.
I'm sorry for being such a pratt today, and I would like to apologise.

However, sometimes the only thing you can do is fight back.
Whoever said "ignore them and they'll go away" was never bullied badly.
both of my siblings were bullied and they fought back.
I did not.
Care to guess which one of the three of us is stuck at home, afraid to get a job and wishing he had the courage?

I don't think ignoring them makes them go away, but if you can truely ignore them and rise above it, then it won't matter to you anymore.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:14 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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When I was younger, I used to get comments about being a "wranger" constantly. It's lessened off now, and people have matured ( much as they can in my year level).

Don't let it get to you. Seriously, attacking someone and calling them names for their hair? LAME. People couldn't even come up with decent insults for me, they just kept reusing the same ones. Real original, there.

And you know what? Now I'm getting comments on my hair constantly. It's a colour that according to my hairdresser, many people would kill for, and I have it naturally. Sure, I might have wanted to be blonde or brunette, but I'm used to the red hair by now. The only thing annoying, tbh, is when old ladies stop me on the street and proclaim loudly that they love my hair. I thought I'd gotten rid of that years ago :roll:

Gone, forever.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:16 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:27 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Woah, some of those comments wern't exactly helpful or nice.

I'm going to recomend not totaly flipping out/violence in fact, those things in school can get you suspended. You tell them that they were bullying you, they'll want to know why you haven't told them.
Besides you can't fight everyone, but if its worked for you than thats good. :)

I'm going to recomend you smile. Happiness is what keeps me from hearing bullies, its like a bouncy rubber shield of good stuff.

Start at home, right now. Smiling makes you happy, its easy free and makes other people happy too! Before you go into school, when talking to your friends, aslong as you aren't at a funeral or any other serious occasion smiling is good!
Its hard at first, but after a while it'll boost your self confidence. You'll walk with your head up and people will realise that its pointless. You're walking around confidently and smiling, the comments obviously arn't getting to you.

So yes, smile. I hope you can sort it out! :D

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:54 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:33 pm 
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What and the international abuse of blondes is any better? Seriously. Everyone gets teased at some point in their life. Groups of people are always being mocked about hair. It's hardly only related to people with red hair. If it's not one thing it's another when it comes to mockery like this. I used to think blonde jokes (being blonde myself) were horribly offensive, as was the "dumb blonde" stereotype, but now I joke along, and mock myself as well. If I do something stupid infront of family or friends I just reach up touch the hair and go "oops" and everyone (myself included) has a good laugh.
Water off a ducks back and all that.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:02 pm 
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Don't give them the reaction they want, and then they'll eventually get bored of you. I don't exactly recommend the whole punching in the jugular thing. As much as I like violence, it's not all about fighting back. If you fight back, you're giving the enemy exactly what they want- a reaction. Simple math here.

You give someone what they want, they will continue doing the action that gets them what they want. They start bullying, and you go all "OMGZ NO THAT'S NOT TRUE YOU MEANIE", and they will continue bullying, because they want you to say that. That's the whole point.

Trust me here. The last time somebody started ragging on me, I just said "okay" after every insult, and it only took around five seconds for them to get bored and shut up. And that person never bothered me again. *shrug*

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 Post subject: I am sorry,
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:32 pm 
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Wow, my friend is a red head and no one is every mean to her about it. I am sorry that is happening to you.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:04 pm 
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Bangel wrote:
Trust me here. The last time somebody started ragging on me, I just said "okay" after every insult, and it only took around five seconds for them to get bored and shut up. And that person never bothered me again. *shrug*

That reminds me of something I tell my girls. We saw this on Little Bill and we really liked it. :) Whenever someone starts on you, you just say, "So?" You know the things they say aren't true, so they shouldn't bug you. They're the ones being idiots. Brush it off and joke about it later. You don't have to stoop to their level. :)

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