I don't think I've ever critically analyzed this before, but why not.
|Athletes| <--My school has a nationally recognized basketball program, thus if you play basketball, you're cool. (I don't.) Even the football players get into this group, for an unknown reason.

These people are often the only ones who are nominated for Homecoming, Winter Formal, etc. courts, because no one else cares. Many of these people are also affiliated with the same Church.
|"Preps"| <--I absolutely hate using this phrase, but it's the best way of describing it. The people who tend to have a plethora of different dates throughout the year, who are a little more pretentious than most, and those who are used as standards for a specific label (slut, smurf-happy phrases, etc.).
|Punks/Stoners/Skateboarders| <--Everyone who has a leather jacket with studs on it befriends these people. They're often known for going to Portland and getting high. Most of them sit underneath the stairwell. I'm not too knowledged of them.
|Smart People| <--These people aren't always close-knit, but rather, they're friends of many different groups of people. This is often the case, because they're asked for help by people within different groups. Much of the time, they hang out with older students. It's a very broad category. I'd like to think of myself as a person in this group.
|Unclassifiable| <--Included in this group are people who aren't really smart, don't have a definitive stereotype attached to them, and few people actually notice.
|Geeks| <--By no means do I mean Computer Geeks with this. Last year, in fact, the seniors who were computer geeks were some of the most popular people around. This is meant to include those who play video games during lunch, talk about chess club, are loud-mouthed and obnixious, and just generally unlikeable.
|Freshmen| <--With a few exceptions, most people cannot stand them. The main reason for this is because they have chosen to place the freshman hall at the top of the main stairwell, blocking everyone who attempts to get up there. Sometimes, they'll wait for you to hug them before you can pass.
|Loners and Crazies| <--The loners are the ones who sit alone (obviously), never do their homework, are quiet in class, and are yelled at for it. The crazies are people that no one likes for various reasons, but they're a close group, and they're happy.
I need some hobby that keeps me from having the time to do something like this.